Browser extension that turbocharges the site with extra functionalities
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Blog improvements
#906 opened by Siderite - 1
Repetition time too short
#911 opened by derpafist - 1
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Can the n-gram indexing use adaptive size for N?
#890 opened by Siderite - 1
Sliders like on profile or Puzzle stats don't allow vertical scrolling on mobile
#918 opened by Siderite - 0
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Can we create a UI for the jomega studies?
#928 opened by Siderite - 1
User request: add hand grabbing animation as a theme
#930 opened by Siderite - 1
Sticky header breaks Mobile layout
#932 opened by Siderite - 1
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- 4
Click puzzle rating takes me to my profile
#931 opened by y1z - 1
click on imgur images should show image in a modal, not go to their stupid site
#929 opened by Siderite - 0
Read cls: tokens in the chapter title and apply the class on the chapter list
#927 opened by Siderite - 1
The interactive "Give up" button should not appear if you finished the chapter
#924 opened by Siderite - 1
BOTs appear as titled players.
#925 opened by Siderite - 2
Menu overlap
#922 opened by derpafist - 1
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User request: titled player filter
#900 opened by Siderite - 0
User request: Chesstempo-style "custom problem sets"
#920 opened by Siderite - 1
User request: set volume for LT sounds
#919 opened by Siderite - 1
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Add Notifications needs work
#916 opened by Siderite - 0
Add sounds for new notifications
#915 opened by Siderite - 1
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User request: customize clock time warning
#904 opened by Siderite - 1
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#910 opened by Siderite - 0
Chart improvements
#907 opened by Siderite - 0
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Can't chat
#901 opened by haytham-med - 3
Spaced repetition can hardly decide on first move
#903 opened by derpafist - 0
Opponent analysis
#902 opened by Siderite - 1
Puzzle Stats page sometimes fails to load table
#899 opened by Siderite - 1
Add a wake lock to puzzles
#898 opened by Siderite - 1
Show new flow settings in Interactive lessons
#895 opened by Siderite - 1
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If the variation progress gauge is displayed, then the Reset button should also be
#892 opened by Siderite - 1
Resetting the progress from the form doesn't seem to refresh the progress gauge on study chapters
#893 opened by Siderite - 1
Study chapter navigation buttons should have a title per button, not the entire section
#891 opened by Siderite - 1
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Following onlines is being sent when not logged in
#886 opened by Siderite - 1
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Investigate Chess Review
#885 opened by Siderite