Version | Estimated | CCRL 40/15 | CCRL Blitz (2'+1") | MCERL 1' + 0.6" |
1.0 | 1700 | - | - | 2026 |
2.0 | 1850 | - | - | 2139 |
2.1 | 2000 | - | - | 2256 |
2.2 | 2050 | - | - | - |
2.3 | 2100 | 2017 | 2039 | - |
3.0 | 2200 | - | - | 2498 |
3.1 | 2300 | - | - | - |
3.2 | 2350 | - | - | - |
3.3 | 2375 | - | - | 2564 |
3.4 | 2400 | - | 2349 | - |
3.5 | 2450 | - | - | - |
4.0 | 2550 | 2519 | - | 2670 |
4.1 | 2600 | 2601 | 2578 | 2733 |
4.2 | 2670 | 2764 | 2689 | - |
- UCI Protocol
- Time Management
- Negamax
- Iterative Deepening
- AlphaBeta Negamax
- Quiescence Search
- Transposition Table
- Aspiration Window
- Principal Variation Search
- Improving Heuristic
- Check Extensions
- Reverse Futility Pruning
- Null Move Pruning
- History Pruning
- Late Move Reduction
- Material Score
- Piece-Square Tables
- Pawn Eval
- Passed
- Phalanx
- Isolated
- Supported
- Piece Eval
- Mobility
- Attacked by Pawn
- Open / Semi-Open File
- Bishop Pair
- Minor Piece Behind Pawn
- Minor Piece Outpost
- King Eval
- King Openness
- Attacking Pawn
- Pawn In Front
- TT-Move
- Promotions
- History Heuristic [Piece][To]
- Killer Moves
Cutechess - Use the Cutechess CLI to run SPRT on your engine
Texel Tuner - Tune your handcrafted eval function
Chess package for C++:
Chessprogramming wiki has a lot of information but can be outdated and lacks pseudocode.
Altair Bit-Genie Blunder Rice Weiss
And of course, Stockfish