
A CLI Tool, a Bashscript To Search, Download and Stream Anime from Terminal.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A CLI Tool to Search, Stream & Download Anime from Terminal either using Rofi or FZF(default). The script uses Aniswim-API .



  1. curl (HTTP Request)
  2. jq (JSON Parsing)
  3. fzf (Default menu)
  4. rofi (Menu Optional)
  5. mpv (Video player)
  6. ffmpeg (For Download)
  7. Core GNU Utils (cat, head, tail, awk, sed, grep)


You can run the script as usual!

   ./anime one piece
   ./anime --rofi
   ./anime -l
   ./anime -r

However, if you often watch anime and prefer not to open the browser or would liketo bind the script to a custom keybinding, then run the following command to install Anime system-wide

   sudo cp anime /usr/bin/anime


 anime --rofi To Launch Anime With Rofi
              By Default Menu is set to FZF	       

 anime -l To Fetch All the Latest Anime

 anime -r To Fetch New Released/Recent Anime

Download Directory: $HOME/Documents/Anime

Note: There is No -h, --help Flags associated with the script!


  • Rofi uses dmenu and gruvbox-dark themes.
  • Select the last option, 0. Go to Next Page to scrape more Anime!

Licensed under GPL-3.0