
Replication Files for East et al. (2022) JOLE Paper

Primary LanguageStata


Files for "The Labor Market Effects of Immigration Enforcement"

Updated 5.13.22 by Chloe N. East

The do and R files to replicate East et al. (2022) are included in the Code folder. The numbers on each file indicate the order in which they should be run. The top of each do file notes the Figures and Tables that will be created in the file.

The Data folder includes 6 data sets.

"policy_pop_cz_5_13_22" which has Commuting Zone by year information about -- Enforcement Policies: SC, 287(g) agreements and E-Verify -- Total Population -- the presence of a Sanctuary City Policy -- the Region of the country -- Housing Start information -- Housing Price information

The excel file "CPUMA0010_summary" contains information on total CPUMA population counts.

"cw_cpuma2010_czone.dta" contains the cpuma0010 to Commuting Zone level crosswalk.

"final_bartik_acs_cpuma0010_updated.dta" contains the Bartik variables we create using the ACS.

"tradable1_BHVT.dta" contains information on the tradability of industries following Burstein, Ariel, Gordon Hanson, Lin Tian, and Jonathan Vogel, “Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence From the United States,” Econometrica, 2020, 88 (3), 1071–1112.

"287g_SC_EVerify_5_13_22.dta" contains information on the presence of SC, 287(g) agreements and E-Verify by county and by year used to create the county maps.

See the paper for more details and sources. Due to restrictions on data sharing, we do not publish the ACS or TRAC data sets we use. The ACS data can be downloaded here: https://usa.ipums.org/usa/ Information about TRAC data licenses is here: https://trac.syr.edu/aboutTRACgeneral.html