
A work in progress. Will be a web app that amalgamates, displays, computes, and compares data for Video Games on all platforms.

Primary LanguagePython


A work in progress. Will be a web app that amalgamates, displays, computes, and compares data for Video Games on all platforms.


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python main.py

Then follow the prompt to visualize the data accrual process of the program. While there is a barebones command UI, eventually I plan to have the project overhauled in Django.

How it Works:

GameGrabber reaches out to various websites and Databases, including VGChartz, igdb, MetaCritic, and the Games Database in order to provide the user with the most comprehensive overview of whatever Game they are most interested in. Eventually, I plan to implement methods that allow comparisons of games and their sales data, price over time, and popularity. The more data, the better.