
dil is a hand-written compiler for the D programming language.

Primary LanguageDGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Aziz Köksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
This program is free software, licensed under the GPL3.
Please, read the license file "COPYING" for further information.

This software is a command line utility, a compiler written in D v2
for the D programming language (supporting versions 1.0 and 2.0.)

==How To Compile DIL==
In order to compile DIL you must have:
 *) DMD 2.059 (http://dlang.org/changelog.html)
 *) Tango D2 (https://github.com/SiegeLord/Tango-D2)
 *) MPFR 3.0.0 (http://mpfr.org)
 *) Python 2.7.2 (older versions might work, too)

If you can't compile DIL because you have newer versions of these programs,
please, report the problem to me (see Bugs section.)

Regarding MPFR:
Windows users have to use Visual C/C++ or Cygwin in order to compile
the MPFR library for their system. Precompiled libraries are available here:


I have not tested compiling a Windows binary yet. DIL should compile
if you put one of the debug or release mpfr.lib files into a path
where the linker can find them. E.g.: pass the following to build.py:
  > python scripts\build.py -- -L+mpfr.lib -L+C:\downloads\mpfr\Win32\Release\

==Compile DIL with Python==
# Note: The binary is placed in the bin/ folder.

# Change to the root directory of DIL. E.g.:
  $ cd git/dil/
# Print help.
  $ scripts/build.py -h
# Compile a release binary.
  $ scripts/build.py
# Compile a debug binary.
  $ scripts/build.py --debug
# Pass additional parameters to the compiler like this:
  $ scripts/build.py -- -unittest

# On Windows you probably have to call python explicitly.
  > python scripts\build.py

# Run like this:
# On Linux:
  $ bin/dil
# On Windows:
  > bin\dil.exe

Executing DIL without parameters will print the main help message.

The language of the compiler messages can be set in the configuration file.
Many messages are still untranslated. This task has low priority at the moment.

==Bugs And Patches==
"errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum" - to err is human, to forgive divine.
 - Cicero

Users can report problems with this software or submit patches by:
 *) contacting me: aziz.koeksal@gmail.com
 *) filing a bug report here: http://code.google.com/p/dil/issues/list