
Using Sensor Tag 2650 & Raspberry Pi to provide real time monitoring of environment/room conditions.

Primary LanguageHTML

Jason Y J Too


Wolfson College


Using Sensor Tag 2650 & Raspberry Pi to provide real time monitoring of environment/room conditions.

This repository contains the following

  • Python code used to read and display sensor readings from the TI SensorTag 2650
  • HTML file containing the handle attributes and addresses
  • Sample measurement data

This project was developed with Python 2.7 on Raspbian Stretch.


  1. Install the standard Raspbian OS on to a Raspberry Pi

  2. Allow the automatic updates to complete on first boot (if any) then reboot (should prompt you).

  3. Open terminal and run the following code.

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev 
sudo pip install bluepy
  1. Set bluetooth address on SleepFit.py (to find your SensorTag's address for this guide a similar guide can also be found in the requirement.md file within this repo.
SENSORTAG_ADDRESS = "54:6C:0E:4D:AC:00" #insert your address instead, within the quote ("") marks
  1. Save changes & execute (and switch on SensorTag)
python SleepFit.py


As the SensorTag contains a myriad of other sensors too, it could be easily adapted for other purposes. Below is a list of other commands which could be used to access the

  • Barometer
  • Accelerometer
  • Magnetometer
  • Gyroscope

They have been commented out but can be implemented similarly by uncommenting them within ;

def enable_sensors(tag):

def disable_sensors(tag):

And implementing them within bash def get_readings(tag): similarly as the other sensors, respecting the number values returned from the bluepy library, an example for the accelerometer is given below; In bluepy library,

class AccelerometerSensor(SensorBase):

  def read(self):
        '''Returns (x_accel, y_accel, z_accel) in units of g'''
        x_y_z = struct.unpack('bbb', self.data.read())
        return tuple([ (val/self.scale) for val in x_y_z ])

therefore the code within fitHome.py would be as follows;

def get_readings(tag):
  readings["accel_x"], readings["accel_y"],readings["accel_z"] = tag.accelerometer.read()
