Celebrity Date Finder

By Melissa Parker

A basic JavaScript Program to display user's dream celebrity date based on age & best feature.


Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


The webpage prompts user to input age and their best feature. If the user is under 25 or over 60, there is no dream celebrity date for them. If the user is 25-35, their dream date is Tom Holland. If the user is between 36-59 and their best feature is their Body, their dream date is Steve Carell. If the user is between 36-59 and their best feature is their Hair or their Smile, their dream date is Rob Lowe.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Run the application in a browser designed to render HTML and CSS files. User must enter a numerical age as well as 1 of the 3 available best features:
    • Body
    • Hair
    • Smile

Known Bugs

  • Program runs as expected
  • Link to gh-pages returns 404 Not Found
