Credit Card Validator

By Melissa Parker

A basic JavaScript Program to validate if string of numbers is a valid credit card number.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap


The webpage prompts user to enter a credit card number. The input is reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Is the number entered 15-16 digits in length?

    • If no, returns "Not a Valid Credit Card, Not the Right Amount of Digits"
  • Does the number entered meet the criteria for a valid credit card company?

    • If no, returns "Not a Valid Card Number, Not a Valid Company"
  • Will check number against the Luhn Algorithm

    • If does not meet criteria, returns "Not a Valid Card Number, Doesn't Meet Luhn Algorithm"
    • If yes, returns "Valid Card Number"

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Run the application in a browser designed to render HTML and CSS files.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs, program runs as expected. Please contact the creator if bug is discovered.




Describe: addSubmitListener Test: "It should add an event listener to the Validate Card Button" Code: form = document.querySelector("form"); form.addEventListener("submit", validateCard);

function validateCard(event) {
console.log("Validate Reached");

Expected Output: Validate Reached

Describe: gatherCardNumber Test: "It should return inputted number into the console.log Code: inputtedNumber = document.getElementById("ccNumber").value; console.log(inputtedNumber);

Input: 123

Expected Output: 123

Describe: gatherCardNumber Test: "It should return the typeof input Code: inputtedNumber = parseInt(document.getElementById("ccNumber").value); console.log(typeof inputtedNumber);

Input: 123

Expected Output: number

Describe: createArray Test: "It should turn each number into a number type and add each number to an array" Code: let cardArray = []; for (let number of inputtedNumber) { number = parseInt(number); cardArray.push(number); } console.log(cardArray);

Input: 1234

Expected Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]

Describe: createNewArray Test: "It should output in console log the cardArray from createArray function" Code:

function createNewArray(cardArray) { console.log(cardArray);

Input: 1234

Expected Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]

Describe: createNewArray Test: "It should output the length of the cardArray"


cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;

Input: 123

Expected Output: 3

Describe: createNewArray Test: "It should output every other inputted number, starting on the right"


cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 2) {

Input: 123456

Expected Output: 6 4 2

Input 2: 1234567

Expected Output 2: 7 5 3 1

Describe: createNewArray Test: "It should output odd or even for each iteration of the loop, starting with odd"


let iteration = 1;
cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 1) {
    if (iteration % 2 === 1) {
        console.log("Is Odd")
    else {
        console.log("Is Even")
    iteration += 1;

Input: 222

Expected Output: Odd Even Odd

Describe: createNewArray Test: "It should pass an even or an odd number to determineAction"


let iteration = 1;
cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 1) {
    iteration += 1;

function determineAction(iteration) {

if (iteration % 2 === 1) {

    console.log("Change Number")
else {
    console.log("Leave Number As Is")

Input: 222

Expected Output: Change Number, Leave Number as is, Change Number

Describe: sumArrayNumbers

Test: "It should sum the total of numbers in the New Array"

function sumArrayNumbers(newCardArray) { let sumOfNumbers = 0; newCardArray.forEach(function (number) { sumOfNumbers += number; }) console.log(sumOfNumbers); }

newArray [4, 1, 4];

Expected Output: 9

Describe: endsInZero

Test: "It notify if sum of digits ends in 0 or not"

function endsInZero(sumOfNumbers) { if (sumOfNumbers % 10) { console.log("Does Not end in 0"); } else { console.log("Ends in 0"); } }

Sum of Numbers: 24

Expected Output: Does Not end in 0

Sum of Numbers: 50

Expected Output: Ends in 0

Describe: checkLength

Test: "Return the number of digits in string of numbers"

function checkLength(cardArray) { const length = cardArray.length; console.log(length); }

Input: 1212

Expected Output: 4

Describe: checkLength

Test: "Will check if card length is 15 or 16 in length and return Valid

function checkLength(cardArray) { const length = cardArray.length; console.log(length); }

Input: 1212

Expected Output: 4

Describe: checkCompany

Test: "Will check if card starts with valid credit card company syntax"

if (cardArray[0] === 4 || cardArray[0] === 5 || cardArray[0] === 6) {
else if (cardArray[0] === 3) {
    if (cardArray[1] === 4 || cardArray[1] === 7) {
    else {
        result("Not a Valid Card Number, Not a Valid Company")
else {
    result("Not a Valid Card Number, Not a Valid Company")


Various Tests