Mr. Robogers Neighborhood

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies Used
  2. Description
  3. Setup Requirements
  4. Link
  5. Tests
  6. Known Bugs
  7. License

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS5
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Test Driven Development


  • This is an independent project assigned from Epicodus to demonstrate knowledge learned under Learn How to Program.
  • This project is was part of the Arrays & Looping section under Intro to Programming.
  • On the webpage user can input any integer to receive a response from the robot.
  • TDD included in this file.

Setup Requirements

  1. Clone this repository to your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  3. Open index.html in your browser.


Mr. Robogers Neighborhood


> Describe: addSubmitListener
Test: "It should add an event listener to the Validate Card Button"
    form = document.querySelector("form");
    form.addEventListener("submit", validateCard);

    function validateCard(event) {
    console.log("Validate Reached");

Expected Output: Validate Reached


> Describe: gatherCardNumber
Test: "It should return inputted number into the console.log
    inputtedNumber = document.getElementById("ccNumber").value;

Input: 123

Expected Output: 123

> Describe: gatherCardNumber
Test: "It should return the typeof input
    inputtedNumber = parseInt(document.getElementById("ccNumber").value);
    console.log(typeof inputtedNumber);

Input: 123

Expected Output: number


> Describe: createArray
Test: "It should turn each number into a number type and add each number to an array"
    let cardArray = [];
    for (let number of inputtedNumber) {
        number = parseInt(number);

Input: 1234

Expected Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


> Describe: createNewArray
Test: "It should output in console log the cardArray from createArray function"

function createNewArray(cardArray) {

Input: 1234

Expected Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]

> Describe: createNewArray
Test: "It should output the length of the cardArray"


    cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;

Input: 123

Expected Output: 3

> Describe: createNewArray
Test: "It should output every other inputted number, starting on the right"


    cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
    for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 2) {

Input: 123456

Expected Output: 6 4 2

Input 2: 1234567

Expected Output 2: 7 5 3 1

> Describe: createNewArray
Test: "It should output odd or even for each iteration of the loop, starting with odd"


    let iteration = 1;
    cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
    for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 1) {
        if (iteration % 2 === 1) {
            console.log("Is Odd")
        else {
            console.log("Is Even")
        iteration += 1;

Input: 222

Expected Output: Odd Even Odd

> Describe: createNewArray
Test: "It should pass an even or an odd number to determineAction"


    let iteration = 1;
    cardArrayLength = cardArray.length;
    for (let index = cardArrayLength - 1; index >= 0; index -= 1) {
        iteration += 1;

    function determineAction(iteration) {

    if (iteration % 2 === 1) {

        console.log("Change Number")
    else {
        console.log("Leave Number As Is")

Input: 222

Expected Output: Change Number, Leave Number as is, Change Number


> Describe: sumArrayNumbers

Test: "It should sum the total of numbers in the New Array"

function sumArrayNumbers(newCardArray) {
    let sumOfNumbers = 0;
    newCardArray.forEach(function (number) {
        sumOfNumbers += number;

newArray [4, 1, 4];

Expected Output: 9


> Describe: endsInZero

Test: "It notify if sum of digits ends in 0 or not"

function endsInZero(sumOfNumbers) {
    if (sumOfNumbers % 10) {
        console.log("Does Not end in 0");
    } else {
        console.log("Ends in 0");

Sum of Numbers: 24

Expected Output: Does Not end in 0

Sum of Numbers: 50

Expected Output: Ends in 0


> Describe: checkLength

Test: "Return the number of digits in string of numbers"

function checkLength(cardArray) {
    const length = cardArray.length;

Input: 1212

Expected Output: 4

> Describe: checkLength

Test: "Will check if card length is 15 or 16 in length and return Valid

function checkLength(cardArray) {
    const length = cardArray.length;

Input: 1212

Expected Output: 4


> Describe: checkCompany

Test: "Will check if card starts with valid credit card company syntax"

    if (cardArray[0] === 4 || cardArray[0] === 5 || cardArray[0] === 6) {
    else if (cardArray[0] === 3) {
        if (cardArray[1] === 4 || cardArray[1] === 7) {
        else {
            result("Not a Valid Card Number, Not a Valid Company")
    else {
        result("Not a Valid Card Number, Not a Valid Company")

Various Tests

Describe: gatherUserinput(event)

Test: "It should return an array containing the user's input
    const userInput = parseInt(document.getElementById("number").value);
Input: 0
Expected Output: 0

Describe: inputArray(userInput)

Test: "It should return an array that counts from 0 up to and including the user's input"
    let inputArray = [];
    for (let index = 0; index <= userInput; index++) {
Input: 5
Expected Output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Describe: processAray(inputArray)

Test: "It should return a new array that counts from 0 up to an including the user's input"
    let outputArray = [];
    inputArray.forEach(function (number) {
        let output = number;
Input: 5
Expected Output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Describe: processAray(inputArray)

Test: "It should return a new array with updated output as a string"
    const response = outputArray.join(" ");
Input: 5
Expected Output: 0 Beep! Boop! Won't you be my neighbor? 4 5

Describe: interpretNumber(number)
Test: "It should return Mr. Roboger's response depending on user input, with Beep! for an occurance of 1, Boop! for an occurance of 2, and Won't you be my neighbor? for 3"
    const numberString = number.toString();

    // If includes 3 "Won't you be my neighbor?"
    if (numberString.includes('3')) {
        return "Won't you be my neighbor?"
    // Else if includes 2 "Boop!"
    else if (numberString.includes('2')) {
        return "Boop!"
    // Else if includes 1 "Beep!"
    else if (numberString.includes('1')) {
        return "Beep!"
    else {
        return number;

Input: 5
Expected Output: [0, 'Beep!', 'Boop!', "Won't you be my neighbor?", 4, 5]

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs, program runs as expected. Please contact the creator if bug is discovered.
  • Last updated: January 19, 2024.


MIT Copyright © 2024 Melissa Parker

Robot Image from