Pizza Parlor

By Melissa Parker

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies Used
  2. Description
  3. Setup Requirements
  4. Link
  5. Tests
  6. Known Bugs
  7. License

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS5
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Test Driven Development


  • This is an independent project assigned from Epicodus to demonstrate knowledge learned under Learn How to Program.
  • This project is was part of the Object Oriented Programming Section.
  • Users can place pizza orders and see other orders that are currently being made by the pizza parlor. Each customer can order 1-10 pizzas, select up to 2 toppings, select a pizza size as well as specify if the pizza will be pick-up or delivery.
  • TDD included in this file.

Setup Requirements

  1. Clone this repository to your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  3. Open index.html in your browser.


Pizza Parlor


Describe: CurrentOrders()
Test: "It should return a CurrentOrders object with an empty array of orders"
Code: currentOrders = new CurrentOrders;
Expected Output:  CurrentOrders {orders: {…},       currentOrderId: 0}

Describe: CurrentOrders.prototype.addOrder = function (order)
Test: "It should add a CustomerOrder object to the CurrentOrders Object"
Code: currentOrders.addOrder(myOrder);
Expected Output: CurrentOrders {orders: {…}, currentOrderId: 1}  currentOrderId: 1 orders: {1: CustomerOrder}

Describe: CurrentOrders.prototype.assignOrderId = function ()
Test: "It will assign an order number to the the new CustomerOrder Object"
Code: currentOrdersAssignId.assignOrderId(myOrder);
Expected Output:  {1: CustomerOrder}  1: CustomerOrder orderId: 1

Describe: CustomerOrder(customerName, orderType, pizzas)
Test: "It will create a new Customer Order Object with Name, order Type and Pizzas in Order"
Code: myOrder = new CustomerOrder("Melissa", "Delivery", myPizza);
Expected Output:  CustomerOrder {customerName: 'Melissa', orderType: 'Delivery', pizzas: Pizza, orderTotal: 0}

Describe: CustomerOrder.prototype.addPizza = function (pizza, pizzaNumber)
Test: "It will add a pizza object to customer's order"
Code: customerOrder.addPizza(myPizza, 1)
Expected Output:  0: Pizza {pizzaNumber: 1, topping1: 'None', topping2: 'None', size: 'Small (8 inch)', price: 10}

Describe: CustomerOrder.prototype.calculateTotal = function (pizzas, customerOrder)
Test: "It will calculate the total price of all pizzas on customer's order."
Code: myOrder.calculateTotal(pizzas, 1)
0: Pizza {pizzaNumber: 2, topping1: 'None', topping2: 'None', size: 'Small (8 inch)', price: 10}
1: Pizza {pizzaNumber: 1, topping1: 'Goat Cheese', topping2: 'None', size: 'Medium (12 inch)', price: 15}
Expected Output: 25

Describe: Pizza(pizzaNumber, topping1, topping2, size)
Test: "It will create a new Pizza object with pizza number, topping 1, topping 2, and size"
Code: myPizza = new Pizza (1, "pineapple", "goatcheese", "large");
Expected Output: Pizza {pizzaNumber: 1, topping1: 'pineapple', topping2: 'goatcheese', size: 'large'}

Describe: Pizza.prototype.calculatePrice = function (topping1, topping2, size)
Test: "It will calculate the price of a Pizza Object based on its toppings and size.  Small pizzas are $10, medium $14, large $20 with the first topping being $1, the second topping being $2."
Code: myPizza.calculatePrice("pineapple", "goatcheese", "Large (18 inch)");
Expected Output: 23
Code 2: myPizza.calculatePrice("pineapple", "none", "Small (8 inch)");
Expected Output: 11

Known Bugs

  • Currently the placed order card duplicates if customer name is clicked more than once. Background image does not load on gh-pages version.
  • Last updated: January 28, 2024.


MIT Copyright © 2024 Melissa Parker

Pizza Background Image from