
Lightweight OpenTelemetry native health probing system

Primary LanguageRust


Lightweight health probing with support for OpenTelemetry

Grey is a health probing system which is designed to simplify the regular checking of service health from external locations. It is built in Rust and integrates native support for OpenTelemetry, with the goal of providing operators with a detailed view into the behaviour of their systems and how they fail.


  • Extremely lightweight, can be run on every server in your fleet if you wish.
  • Native OpenTelemetry integration, including trace propagation.
  • Supports multiple health probes, including HTTP, TCP, and DNS.


Grey is a self contained binary which is expected to be executed with a YAML configuration file as its only input. The configuration file looks like this:

  - name: google.search
      interval: 5000
      timeout: 2000
      retries: 3
    target: !Http
      url: https://google.com?q=grey+healthcheck+system
      http.status: !OneOf [200]
      http.header.content-type: !Equals "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"



The http target makes requests to HTTP(S) endpoints and allows you to validate the response. It accepts the following options:

  • url (required): The URL to make the request to.
  • method (optional, default: GET): The HTTP method to use for the request.
  • headers (optional): A map of headers to include in the request.
  • body (optional): The body to include in the request.
  • no_verify (optional, default: false): Whether to disable TLS verification.

It exposes the following fields for validation:

  • http.status: The HTTP status code of the response.
  • http.header.<header>: The value of the specified header in the response, header names are lowercased.
  • http.version: The HTTP version of the response.
  • http.body: The body of the response.


The tcp target makes a TCP connection to a host and port to confirm that it is available and accepting connections. It accepts the following options:

  • host (required): The host and port to connect to (e.g. example.com:80).

It exposes the following fields for validation:

  • net.ip: The IP address of the host that was connected to.


The dns target makes a DNS query and allows you to assert that the response matches your provided expectations. It accepts the following options:

  • domain (required): The domain name to query.
  • record_type (optional, default: A): The type of DNS record to query for.

It exposes the following fields for validation:

  • dns.answers: The list of answers to the DNS query.


Validation is performed using one of the provided validation functions.


The !Equals validator asserts that the value of the field is equal to the provided value.


The !OneOf validator asserts that the value of the field is one of the provided values.


The !Contains validator asserts that the value of the field contains the provided value. If both the field and the provided value are a string, it will perform a string contains check, while if the field is a list, it will perform a list contains check.


Grey uses OpenTelemetry to export trace information about each of the probes that it has executed. This can be emitted to any gRPC compatible OpenTelemetry endpoint by configuring the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable. For example, to emit traces to a local Jaeger instance, you would run:

OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:4317" \
    grey --config config.yaml

If you need to provide headers for the OTLP exporter, you can do so by setting the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS environment variable. For example, to provide a Honeycomb API key, you would run:

OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="https://api.honeycomb.io" \
    grey --config config.yaml