
Car Renting Flutter project -

  • for database Sqflite has been used .
  • for login,signup simple logic has been builed (firebase authentication will be included soon).

All plugins list :

  • lottie:
  • sqflite: ^2.0.3
  • url_launcher:
  • image_picker:
  • intl:
  • path:
  • provider:
  • shared_preferences:
  • cool_alert: ^1.1.0
  • Funtionality wise work has been done .

Admin :

  • Admin can Add car
  • Add Driver
  • Can delete them.
  • A relation has been build between Car and driver. A driver can be asigned with car when adding a new car.

User :

  • A user can choose car by searching name, showing driver experience and car capacity.
  • After selecting a car driver can change his or her selection then he/she can choose price/package and can buid own custom package as well.
  • Then he/she need to provide his/her full information to confirm the booking.
  • After that a booking confirmation will appear.