Sifonjimmy's Stars
A simple dockerized MERN app with basic authentication and CRUD.
We are working with a data provided by NASA from Kepler telescope, which discovered many planets in the Universe and we filtered and found out habitable ones and that's not all. We are planning to complete launch missions to discover those planets together in a very beautiful scientefic friendly web app 😊.
Admin panel for user, subscription and payments management for practicing communication between client, server and separate admin panel modules and have full control over entire app (that backend devs can't say you are doing it wrongly on client side 😃).
A simple MERN app for testing Stripe with user and subscription management, and for taking React architecture I used to know to the next level with advanced usage of unit tests.
A lightweight JavaScript library for identifying cities based on geographical coordinates and determining if provided coordinates match those of a city with high accuracy.