
obsidian demo using deno

Primary LanguageTypeScript

David's Obsidian Demo

obsidian server caching demo using deno.

This demo is designed to demonstrate Obsidian server caching in a basic backend app.

It's set up so you can easily compare it to the functionality of oak_graphql, which does essentially the same thing, but without caching. In fact, if you look through the code base of the Obsidian backend caching service, you'll find striking similarities between the two (as if they used it as a template 👀).

Helpful Links

server.js code is based on the README in the oak_graphql documentation:

video exampmle of setting up oak_graphql in deno:

obsidian source code:

graphql documentation (the library used to make GraphQL query requests): https://graphql.org/graphql-js/graphql/#graphql


  1. Make necessary installs (use default everything):
    redis: https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/installation/install-redis-on-mac-os/
    deno: https://deno.land/manual/getting_started/installation
    denon: https://deno.land/manual/getting_started/installation (make sure to add denon to your PATH: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62057786/zsh-command-not-found-denon-even-after-installing-denon)
  2. Toggle comments in server.js such that the import statements and GraphQLService variable construction are both with respect to Obsidian (they should be by default)
  3. In a terminal, start a redis server: redis-server
  4. In a different terminal, run the denon start script: denon start
  5. Open the graphQL sandbox -> go to "http://localhost:8000/graphql"
    Note: the url to the sandbox is the same (by default) in both obsidian and oak_graphql - look in src/Obsidian.ts in the Obsidian source code and you'll find that they import the playground from oak_graphql (implemented on line 153)
  6. Make a request in the playground or postman (if you use postman, set the request type to POST and create the query as GraphQL data type):
    Another quirk - you MUST include a field id and a field __typename in your request. __typename is metadata in any GraphQL query.
  query {
    getUser {
  1. Check the cache for the query:
  • launch the Redis CLI in a new terminal: type redis-cli
  • view all available keys in the cache: KEYS *