
Repo for Unity projects

Primary LanguageC#


Unity project for B23.1 GT2 Game Engines WiSe21/22

Internal Things

  • No direct pushes to develop, If you built a new feature then please checkout a new branch and then make a merge request
  • Merge Requests has to be reviewed/tested by at least one person, if it was approved then it can be merged (please no hard feelings here and dob't anything personal :))
  • Private fields has to start with an underscore please ("_")
  • Please try to name your variables as accurate as possible (think of the people who don't know the code)
  • Please try to stay within the convention of conventional commits https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/


- HauptMechanik

- Genre & Art Style

- Mitarbeiter