
SigmaFi APY NFT Minter

MIT LicenseMIT

Smart Contracts for SigmaFi APY NFT Minter


This application locks up SDEX or SDEX LP tokens for a user selected period of time, after the timeframe has exceeded the selected period, the user will be allowed to mint an APY NFT with no penalty to their stake. APY NFT values increase daily depending on the amount of SDEX or LP tokens staked.

APY NFTs can be used in conjunction with staking SDEX in other SigmaFi pools to earn rewards relative to their minted NFTs.

Eg. John bought 50,000 SDEX from a DEX and staked the entire 50,000 SDEX in the NFT Minter DAPP for 365 days. The DAPP contract credits him 0.000015 per SDEX per day giving him an increase of 0.75% per day for 1 year (365 days). After his contract reaches maturity, he can mint an APY NFT for 273% and obtain all his staked SDEX he put up in order to mint his NFT. After John mints his NFT he has two options to capitalize on the opportunity:

  • He can sell the NFT privately or on a secondary marketplace for an instant profit
  • He can stake SDEX in another DAPP to recieve 273% APY in rewards relative to his capital

If the contract has not reached maturity and withdraw is called, a penalty to the principal will be applied based on boostrap variables shown below.

Proposed Genesis Parameters

Variables for both rewards and penalties will be set by the contract deployer only and can be modified by the deployer at anytime.

Initial Reward Variables

When commitments are respected, rewards are given for loyalty.

desc value var
SDEX daily 0.000015 sdexAPY
SDEX LP daily 0.000050 sdexlpAPY

Initial Penalty Variables

Penalties are an ecosystem balancing mechanism.

penalty value var desc
SDEX daily 50% sdexPenalty SDEX burn pool
SDEX LP daily 50% sdexlpPenalty LP tokens forfeited into treasury


query type desc
auth address Address of the contract deployer
sdexPenalty unit256 Penalty rate to be set by auth
sdexlpPenalty unit256 LP tokens forfeited into treasury to be set by auth

Example Scenario

  1. User uses react front-end to timelock and deposit SDEX or SDEX LP tokens into minter
  2. Deposit data is stored on-chain in an array
  3. isLiquidity is set to 0 if SDEX is deposited or 1 if SDEX LP is deposited
  4. As time elapses the daily NFT rate is derived from multiplying the amount of SDEX staked by sdexAPY once per day
  5. mint is called by the user and the current timestamp is > than endTimestamp
  6. The minter contract returns the staked SDEX to the users wallet and mints the APY NFT to their wallet

Proposed Array Format

wallet staked minedAPY startTimestamp endTimestamp isLiquidity
0x82C879fdBd65aD36f8Fccc... 50000 0.17 55469846561 83469846588 0

Storage Variables

query type desc
wallet address Address of wallet which staked tokens
staked uint256 Number of tokens which are held in the smart contract for this specific wallet
minedAPY uint256 Current NFT value, updated once per day
startTimestamp uint256 Time of when the position was opened
endTimestamp uint256 Time of when the position will mature and mint can be called without penalty
isLiquidity bool Identifies whether the deposit is an LP token or SDEX, 1 = yes 0 = no

Proposed Flow Diagram

