
prototype for version 0

Primary LanguageJavaScript

// Sigmadex Version 0

Getting Started

Docker Development

A development environment can be created in a single line using docker-compose

To begin cp .env.example .env and fill out with a test mnenmonic also placed in metamask

Next cd hardhat && cp .env.example .env and fillout, this will need the same mnemonic as in the base .env

Next cd web && cp .env.example .env the default values should work unless one plans on deeper subgraph development

Next ./start-docker.sh

When finishing up, insure to run ./clean-docker.sh to reset the state for next run

Individual Components

If one just wants to run individual components, like the hardhat tests, the frontend or the subgraph individually


V0 uses the Hardhat Development environment.


cd hardhat
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npx hardhat compile

Running the Tests

npx hardhat test

Build Doc API Spec

npm run docgen

Subgraph (localhost)

Sigmadex uses thegraph to query indexed events, which enables queries such as getNFTsByUser(). To learn about developing with subgraph, reviewing this tutorial and this local development guide is recommended.


  • npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  • docker and docker compose

To start the graph localhost

Start a blockchain node with npx hardhat node --hostname

Deploy the contract with npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

cd subgraph

The subgraph repo has a python script that can generate the subgraph.yaml from the subgraph-base.yaml with env variables in the .env file. This .env is autogenerated from the, deploy.js command

Run python3 parse.py or, cp subgraph-base.yaml subgraph.yaml and manually fill out the env vars with the ones provided by the deploy.js

start thegraph node docker-compose up

Generate the code templates npm run codegen

Create the subgraph npm run create-local

Deploy the subgraph npm run deploy-local

If you restart your blockchain node, ensure to stop docker, and run sudo rm -rf /data/postgres as the new genesis block will not match the old one and thegraph wont start its block muncher.


V0 Uses a React Frontend.


cd web
npm install
npm run start

Frontend-Metamask Integration

Hardhat node utilizes http://localhost:8545 to serve with chainid=1337 The metamask prompt to add network only allows https, so this one must be done manually.

Node For Frontend-Subgraph-Metamask Integration

Input a mnemonic in the .env file (do not commit) cd hardhat && cp .env.example .env

A bug in hardhat with delegatecalls and automine: false prevents use of the hardhat node for frontend dev, instead

npm install -g ganache-cli

Start Node (one should see their public keys attached to their mnemonic)

ganache-cli -i 1337 -b 1 --gasLimit=120000000 optionally there is a -m {MNEMONIC} flag that can be used for metamask integration. Deploy contracts to localhost, one can set the -b to zero if they do not wish to test event emitters and simulate delay.

npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost Seed With Test Data (take 278 blocks- a long time if your mining interval is big)

npx hardhat run ./scripts/scaffold-testnet.js --network localhost


cd web
npm install
npm run start

cp .env.example .env fill out, the REACT_APP_SUBGRAPH_URL is pasted in the terminal output of npm run deploy-local cmd could be

Frontend-Metamask Integration

Hardhat node utilizes http://localhost:8545 to serve with chainid=1337 The metamask prompt to add network only allows https, so this one must be done manually.


V0 uses Docusaurus to present documentation.


cd docusaur
npm install
npm run start

Sigmadex Resources

Resource Link
Website https://sigmadex.org
Telegram https://t.me/Sigmadex
Blog https://blog.sigmadex.org
Bug Bounty https://sigmadex.org/bug-bounty
Docs https://sigmadex.github.io/v0-proto