This project is under development
For an e-commerce website, you’ll need to build several API endpoints to handle different functionalities. Here’s a list of essential APIs you’ll typically need and this project have them:
- Register User:
POST /api/auth/register
- Handles user registration, stores user data in MongoDB after hashing the password.
- Login User:
POST /api/auth/login
- Verifies user credentials and returns a JWT or session.
- Logout User:
POST /api/auth/logout
- Invalidates the user session or JWT.
- Get User Profile:
GET /api/auth/profile
- Returns the logged-in user’s profile information.
- Update User Profile:
PUT /api/auth/profile
- Allows the user to update their profile information.
- Get All Products:
GET /api/products
- Returns a list of all available products, optionally with pagination, sorting, and filtering.
- Get Product by ID:
GET /api/products/:id
- Returns details of a specific product by its ID.
- Create Product (Admin):
POST /api/products
- Allows admins to add new products to the catalog.
- Update Product (Admin):
PUT /api/products/:id
- Allows admins to update product details.
- Delete Product (Admin):
DELETE /api/products/:id
- Allows admins to remove a product from the catalog.
- Add to Cart:
POST /api/cart
- Adds a product to the user’s cart.
- Get Cart:
GET /api/cart
- Retrieves the current state of the user’s cart.
- Update Cart Item:
PUT /api/cart/:itemId
- Updates the quantity of a specific item in the cart.
- Remove Cart Item:
DELETE /api/cart/:itemId
- Removes an item from the cart.
- Place Order:
POST /api/orders
- Creates a new order with the items in the user’s cart.
- Get User Orders:
GET /api/orders
- Retrieves the logged-in user’s order history.
- Get Order by ID:
GET /api/orders/:id
- Retrieves details of a specific order by its ID.
- Update Order Status (Admin):
PUT /api/orders/:id
- Allows admins to update the status of an order (e.g., processing, shipped, delivered).
- Cancel Order:
DELETE /api/orders/:id
- Allows users to cancel an order before it is shipped.
- Create Payment Intent:
POST /api/payment
- Initiates the payment process, interacts with a payment gateway like Stripe, and returns a payment intent or session.
- Payment Confirmation:
POST /api/payment/confirm
- Confirms payment and updates the order status.
- Add Review:
POST /api/products/:id/review
- Allows users to leave a review for a product.
- Get Product Reviews:
GET /api/products/:id/reviews
- Retrieves all reviews for a specific product.
- Get Dashboard Data:
GET /api/admin/dashboard
- Returns aggregated data for admins (e.g., total sales, number of orders, users, etc.).
- Manage Users (Admin):
GET /api/admin/users
PUT /api/admin/users/:id
DELETE /api/admin/users/:id
- APIs to manage users, including viewing, updating roles, and deleting accounts.
- Search Products:
GET /api/products/search
- Allows users to search products by name, category, or other criteria.
- Filter Products:
GET /api/products/filter
- Filters products by various attributes like price, category, rating, etc.
- Get All Categories:
GET /api/categories
- Returns a list of product categories.
- Create Category (Admin):
POST /api/categories
- Allows admins to add new product categories.
- Update Category (Admin):
PUT /api/categories/:id
- Allows admins to update an existing category.
- Delete Category (Admin):
DELETE /api/categories/:id
- Allows admins to delete a category.
These APIs cover most of the functionalities you'll need for an e-commerce platform. You can expand or modify these based on your specific requirements.