- 0
Missing: "sensesp/transforms/threshold.h"
#776 opened by StefanKrax - 0
Adding math operation between 2 sensors
#768 opened by Haimana - 2
- 0
Bug in examples/chain_counter.cpp
#762 opened by smr547 - 4
OTA upload issue
#752 opened by Haimana - 0
Webui of SensESP app 'automatic server discovery' does not show correct after switching pages in the tab control
#742 opened by GHBLoos - 7
- 2
- 0
Migrate to ESP-IDF 5.x and Arduino 3.x
#738 opened by mairas - 1
- 4
- 1
discussion place? slack link seems dead
#731 opened by aktxyz - 2
mDNS stopped working
#679 opened by amolotkov - 1
- 0
Include path in Enable transform is wrong
#700 opened by donmarlin - 3
Unity and delay
#698 opened by Champang - 2
More smart switches on the same ESP32?
#697 opened by Haimana - 1
- 2
Bug with FloatSKListener() in Dev-3
#688 opened by mestafin - 1
Bug in constant_sensor.h (Release 2.7.3-alpha)
#682 opened by mestafin - 0
->set_sk_server() does not update
#678 opened by peugenio - 1
Add WiFi.setMinSecurity(WIFI_AUTH_WEP) in client mode
#675 opened by mgrouch - 2
Fixed repeat times at system info sensors
#668 opened by ckcrs - 3
- 0
RemoteDebug start level
#665 opened by avanlievenoogen - 0
Issue with system LED
#664 opened by nadrog - 0
- 0
- 4
upload OTA "No response from the ESP"
#653 opened by mat214 - 0
Updated Threshold transform configurations not loaded correctly after restart.
#650 opened by rogerlittin - 1
showLoader function restored to sensesp.js
#645 opened by moorcoder - 2
RepeatSensor interval not configurable
#644 opened by avanlievenoogen - 1
Trying to connect to SignalK from SensESP
#643 opened by avanlievenoogen - 11
SensESP stuck on old IP when SignalK changes IP
#634 opened by johannbarbie - 1
slack invite leads to empty page
#640 opened by johannbarbie - 2
- 2
SSL not supported for Signal K server connections
#637 opened by SY-KALINKA - 5
Wifi credentials cannot be changed
#587 opened by qMalte - 2
- 6
RFE: Weather forecaster based on Zambretti Algorithm
#624 opened by mgrouch - 0
- 0
Configurable - Bad Request error when saving data
#618 opened by AWeerWolf - 1
SK Listeners doesn't work or crashes ESP32
#605 opened by JohnySeven - 1
Data logger example
#602 opened by mgrouch - 1
Broken link in
#603 opened by RichFind - 0
Trying to initiate a websocket connection leaks memory
#596 opened by mairas - 0
- 4
- 0
- 1
CurveInterpolator works only with max. 8 samples
#565 opened by ruedigerO