
Enables or disables autoscaling on groups of DynamoDB tables

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Enables or disables autoscaling on groups of AWS DynamoDB tables


DynamoDB autoscaling is a bit of a chore to enable or disable if you have a large number of tables. This script automates adding or removing autoscaling from groups of tables


  • You will need the AWS CLI installed and configured with at least one profile
  • To have the tool use specific AWS credentials, use the AWS_PROFILE environment variable
  • To have the tool use a region other than us-east-1, use the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable


Enables or disables autoscaling on a set of tables. Usage:

autoscale-toggle.sh [-m <enable|disable>] [-r <role name>] [-p <table prefix>] [-i <min throughput>] [-x <max throughput>] [-u <target utilization percent>]

ex: autoscale-toggle.sh -m enable -r DynamoDBAutoscaleRole -p MYTABLES -i 5 -x 10000 -u 50


  • mode is one of enable or disable. This enables or disables autoscaling for the tables
  • role name is a pre-existing DynamoDB autoscaling IAM role
  • table prefix is a prefix of tables to match. All tables starting with this prefix will have autoscaling turned on
  • min throughput is the minimum provisioned throughput to configure for read and write
  • max throughput is the maximum provisioned throughput to configure for read and write
  • target utilization percent is the percentage of the provisioned throughput you want autoscaling to try and keep reads and writes at