
Incident Response ToolKit for fast, comprehensive and accurate security information gathering on victim hosts. Designed for internal team use only.

Primary LanguagePython


Incident Response ToolKit for fast, comprehensive and accurate security information gathering on victim hosts. Designed for internal team use only.

Directory structure

├── config.py         # config module
├── config.yaml       # config file
├── downloads         # store files downloaded from remote
│   └── access.log
├── main.py
├── oss.py            # OSS module
├── output            # store the output
│   └── xxx.md
├── recon             # modules for security information gathering
│   ├── basic.py
│   ├── cron.py
│   ├── env.py
│   ├── files.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── log.py
│   ├── network.py
│   ├── process.py
│   ├── recon.py
│   ├── rootkit.py
│   ├── service.py
│   ├── ssh.py
│   └── users.py
├── requirements.txt
├── server.py         # Server program integrated with Dingtalk bots
├── ti.py             # threat intelligence module
├── util.py
└── yuque.py          # Yuque module(Deprecated)

Configuring irtk

Please keep the config file safe as it contains sensitive information.

mode: remote # Run mode: local/remote

ssh_info: # SSH related config
  host: x.x.x.x # SSH host
  port: 22 # SSH port
  username: root # SSH username
  password: "xxx" # SSH password
  pkey: "/path/to/id_rsa" # SSH private key file

file_transfer: # File transfer config
  upload_dir: /tmp/irtk_upload # remote upload directory
  download_dir: ./downloads # local download directory

recon: # switches for information gathering module
  users: true
  ssh: true
  process: true
  network: true
  cron: true
  log: true
  files: true
  env: true
  service: true
  rootkit: true

process: # process information gathering config
  cpu_top: 20 # check top x high-CPU process
  mem_top: 20 # check top x high-mem process

log: # log collection config
  custom_log_path: /var/log/yum.log # customized log to collect

files: # file information gathering config
  verbose: false # whether or not to perform some time-consuming operations
  mtime: 1 # find modified files in last x days
  ctime: 1 # find changed files in last x days
  large_files_threshold: 200M # threshold for large files

ti: # threat intelligence config
  ak: xxx # API Key for VirusTotal

mkdocs: # MkDocs config
  enabled: false # whether or not to output to MkDocs(does not work in local mode)
  endpoint: http://x.x.x.x:8000 # MkDocs endpoint
  path: /root/mkdocs/docs # local MkDocs documentation directory(on the endpoint server)

oss: # OSS config
  endpoint: https://oss-cn-hongkong.aliyuncs.com # OSS endpoint
  bucket: ir-transfer-station # OSS bucket
  tools_dir: Tools # OSS path storing useful tools
  ak: xxx # OSS AccessKeyId
  sk: xxx # OSS AccessKey Secret

Running irtk

Remote mode

Run locally

Run python3 main.py locally to start remote mode:

Note that mkdocs.enabled must be false now.

Running remote mode locally is about to be deprecated so that mkdocs.enabled will not need to be false.


Chat with Dingtalk bot Scout to start remote mode:

Extra features like interactive shell, file transfer, etc. are not supported in chat.

Local mode

For victim hosts behind a bastion host, use curl/wget to download irtk from the Internet. Then set the mode config to be local and run python3 main.py to transfer files with OSS:

Now the outputs will be automatically uploaded to OSS. On irtk server, download the output to MkDocs documentation directory to view the result.

Viewing the result

Use any Markdown reader/editor to view/search the result, or use the provided MkDocs site:

You can use the search bar on the top-right corner to quickly find the information needed.

About file transfer

  • Both absolute/relative path are supported for local file path
  • Only absolute path is supported for remote file path
  • Be careful about OSS path and file system path
  • Transferring the entire directory is allowed, and the directory will be packed into .tar.gz files (Downloading the entire directory is not supported though)


  • Information gathering
    • Basic info
    • User
    • SSH
    • Process
    • Network
    • Cronjob
    • Web log/Custom log
    • File
    • Environment variable
    • Service
    • Rootkit
  • Viewing the result
    • Markdown files
    • Yuque documents(Deprecated)
    • MkDocs
    • SLS(by uploading to OSS)
  • Configuration
    • SSH info、sensitive data(e.g. AK)
    • Switches for information gathering modules
    • Customize information gathering options
    • Run mode(local/remote)
  • Interacive shell
  • File transfer
    • Automatic directory transferring
    • Use OSS to transfer files under local mode
  • Process quick search with PID
  • Threat intelligence quick search
    • File
    • Hash
    • IP
    • Domain
  • Trace removal
  • GUI