
GPL'd WebUI for AuroraSim

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

About Aurora WebUI GPL

Although starting off with modifying Aurora WebUI to run under php5, it became clear that starting a new project using the backPress library for the front-end was going to be better in the long-term.


Several pages in the website will return "404 Not Found" errors when there is no content to be displayed, such as groups and news.


www-examples is not for public consumption. It's intended as a developer-only "live" reference to test API calls. DO NOT PLACE ON A PUBLIC WEB SERVER.


minify.sh uses the YUI compressor




This example uses "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/" as the location of the repository.

Aurora-Sim Addon

Aurora-WebUI-GPL currently supports Aurora WebAPI v2.0 rc6. This module will need to be present and enabled on your Aurora-Sim installation.

Template CSS

Manual method

  1. Create D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css
  2. Copy and paste the contents of D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/css/reset.css into D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css
    • The contents of reset.css must stay at the top
  3. Copy and paste the contents of all CSS files in D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/css/templates/default/ into D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www/css/templates/default/style.css


The minify.sh script in the utils directory attempts to "minify" and pre-gzip the template styles with maximum compression in order to help save bandwidth.

  1. Download [http://yuilibrary.com/download/yuicompressor/](YUI Compressor version 2.4.2)
  2. Extract the .jar file to D:/github/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar
  3. Run minify.sh


Installing in root directory of a domain

  1. Edit the virtual hosts configuration to point a website's DocumentRoot at the D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www directory (see below for example).
  2. Copy config.example.php to config.php do not move to www directory
  3. Change the webui URL and password in D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/config.php to match the port number and password in the aurora ini files


<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerAdmin aurorawebuigpl@localhost
	DocumentRoot "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www"
	ServerName aurorawebuigpl.localhost
	ErrorLog "logs/aurorawebuigpl.localhost-error.log"
	CustomLog "logs/aurorawebuigpl.localhost-access.log" common

	<Directory "D:/github/Aurora-WebUI-GPL/www">
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
		AllowOverride All
		Order allow,deny
		Allow from all



Default Timezone

PHP can complain if no timezone is set and WebUI-GPL will use your system timezone by default.

A [http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php](full list of timezones is available on the PHP website).

	date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); // this is just to get rid of pesky errors

Default Content-Type header

The template system sets appropriate Content-Type for different pages, but we set the default content type to text/plain to make debugging things a little easier when errors occur outside the scope of the template system. Feel free to change it!

	header('Content-Type: text/plain');

WebUI Configs array

WebUI GPL configs need three arguments:

  1. The API end-point url, using the Port number specified in https://github.com/aurora-sim/Aurora-WebAPI/blob/master/WebAPI/WebAPI.ini
  2. A username that has API access.
  3. The API access token from the [https://github.com/aurora-sim/aurora-webapi/tree/master](WebAPI module)

An instance of the PHP class that provides an interface to the https://github.com/SignpostMarv/mapapi.cs Aurora Module can be attached to an instance of the WebUI interface. The example commented-out example in the config.php file attaches the map API to the last created WebUI instance.

	$configs[] = WebUI::r(
//	$configs[$configs->count() - 1]->attachAPI(MapAPI::r(
//		'http://localhost:8007/mapapi'
//	));

base URI

The template system uses absolute paths, so a URI needs to be provided for the HTML base element.

Installing in root directory of a domain

	Globals::i()->baseURI = 'http://localhost/';

Installing in sub directory of a domain

	Globals::i()->baseURI = 'http://localhost/webui';

Link Style

WebUI-GPL currently supports two modes for links- "query" and "mod_rewrite". The Aurora::Addon::WebUI::Template::link() method accepts mod_rewrite-mode style links, automatically converting them to query mode style links if needed.


This mode should be used if you don't have mod_rewrite available (which is why it's the default).

	Globals::i()->linkStyle = 'query';


The www/.httaccess.example file should be copied to www/.htaccess if mod_rewrite mode is to be used.

	Globals::i()->linkStyle = 'mod_rewrite';


Postal Information

This parameter should be set to TRUE if you need to store a user's postal information.

	Globals::i()->registrationPostalRequired = false; // TRUE if postal address info is required for registration, FALSE otherwise.

Account Activation

If your grid is public, you will most likely want to set this to true.

However, WebUI-GPL currently does not support sending the activation link via email or other channels, so the link will get dumped straight to the web page.

	Globals::i()->registrationActivationRequired = false; // TRUE if activation is required for registration, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: we're not specifying activation method here for a reason.

Email Address

Currently serves no purpose, but will be used for password resets and activation links when support is added.

	Globals::i()->registrationEmailRequired = false; // TRUE if emails are required, FALSE if they're optional.


If you want to use the reCAPTCHA service on the registration page, you will need to uncomment and modify these 3 properties. You will also need to [https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create](obtain your public and private keys).

	Globals::i()->recaptcha                 = true;
	Globals::i()->recaptchaPublicKey        = 'foo' ;
	Globals::i()->recaptchaPrivateKey       = 'bar' ;

reCAPTCHA JavaScript

To give you fine-grained control over what JavaScript runs on your website, WebUI-GPL will disable reCAPTCHA's scripts by default. If you want to use the more user-friendly, JavaScript-powered reCAPTCHA interface, you'll need to set this property to TRUE.

	Globals::i()->recaptchaEnableJavaScript = false ; // set to TRUE to enable the prettier but JavaScript-powered reCAPTCHA input