Curated list of resources about ⚡ Blitz.js.
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- Quirrel Console - Job Queueing for Next.js x Vercel
- superjson - Safely serialize JavaScript expressions to a superset of JSON, which includes Dates, BigInts, and more.
- Blitz Guard - An authorization library which allows or restricts access to specific resources.
Install recipes using the blitz install CLI command followed by the name of the recipe.
blitz install render
- chakra - Style your app with Chakra UI
- emotion - Style your app with Emotion
- material-ui - Style your app with Material-UI
- render - Deploy with
- tailwind - Style your app with Tailwind CSS
Got a big idea but don't know how to get started? Learn to write your own recipes!
- tailwindui - Style your app with Tailwind UI
In many cases, articles about Next.js can also be applied to Blitz.
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