COMP0035 Coursework 2022-23

This repository contains starter code for coursework 1 and 2.

You will have created your repository on GitHub when you accepted the classroom environment.

To set up your project in your python coding environment (IDE):

  1. Clone the repository in your IDE (e.g. PyCharm, Visual Studio Code) from GitHub. Follow the help in your IDE.
  2. Add a virtual environment (venv). Use the instructions for your IDE or navigate to your project directory and use python.
  3. Install the requirements from requirements.txt. Use the instructions for your IDE or use python in your shell..
  4. Edit .gitignore to add any config files and folders for your IDE. PyCharm, VisualStudio Code, Xcode and NetBeans have already been added.


Do not change the names of the markdown or python files. Automated scripts will be used to separate files for marking purposes, if you change the filename your coursework will be missed.

Before you submit the coursework:

  1. Update this with any additional guidance that may be required to allow your project code to run.
  2. Update requirements.txt with any additional python libraries used in your project.