
🦀 Code class about Rust at De Voorhoede.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Code class from JS to Rust


git clone git@github.com:Siilwyn/code-class-js-rust.git
cd code-class-js-rust

Run exercise

Use cargo run -p followed by the exercise directory name, for example to run the first exercise:

cargo run -p exercise-1

Tip, automatically run the exercise on changes with cargo watch:

cargo watch -x 'run -p exercise-1'



Based on the compiler errors fix the code to print 2 + 1 = 3.


Add matching quotes to certain users and filter out users with no matching quotes, so {username} - {quote} is printed for each quote.


To get the solution for an exercise apply the solution patch file, for example for the first exercise:

git apply exercise-1/solution.patch

<< My previous code class, about GraphQL