
Manage remote repositories with ghq and dotbot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Plugin for dotbot to clone remote repositories with ghq.


  1. Add dotbot-ghq as a submodule of your dotfiles repository.
git submodule add https://github.com/klane/dotbot-ghq.git
  1. Modify your install script to enable the ghq plugin.
"${BASEDIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASEDIR}" --plugin-dir dotbot-ghq -c "${CONFIG}" "${@}"


The plugin adds two new directives for use with ghq:

  • ghq: List of repositories to clone with ghq get
  • ghqfile: List of files containing repositories (one per line) to clone with ghq get

For example:

- ghq:
  - anishathalye/dotbot
  - motemen/ghq
  - klane/dotbot-ghq

- ghqfile:
  - repos.txt

Flags for ghq can be passed with the flags keyword. When using this syntax, repositories must be specified with the repo keyword and files with the file keyword. For example:

- ghq:
  - repo: anishathalye/dotbot
    flags: [--silent]
  - repo: motemen/ghq
    flags: [--update]
  - repo: klane/dotbot-ghq
    flags: [-p, --silent, --update]

- ghqfile:
  - file: repos.txt
    flags: [--silent]