
Discover highly rated TV shows available on Netflix and view how long it would take to binge watch!

Primary LanguageSwift

Netflix Binge iOS App

iOS application to find highly rated TV shows currently available on Netflix along with how long it will take to binge watch all seasons of the show. Particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Login Browse

APIs and External Libraries

Unofficial Netflix Global Search API https://rapidapi.com/unogs/api/unogs

The Movie Database API https://developers.themoviedb.org/3

SwiftSoup https://github.com/scinfu/SwiftSoup

SDWebImage https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage

LGButton https://github.com/loregr/LGButton

Dribble Inspiration https://dribbble.com/shots/9017531-Movie-app-collection/attachments/1141603?mode=media


Fetcher.swift contains the networking code that talks to the various APIs

Responses.swift contains the structs responsible for decoding the JSON response from the API to native Swift objects

MovieCell.swift defines the row/cells for the TableView

MovieTableViewController.swift contains the code for setting up the main view and registering the cells to the table view, conforms to UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource protocols

DetailViewController.swift contains the code for setting up the detail view


CS 411 Software Engineering Team

  • Alexander Sikand
  • Andres Rodriguez
  • Henry Wu
  • Leon Yu