

Vaccination data as scraped from Corona Dashboard and the RIVM.


NOTE: datasets are moved to deprecated without warning. This is because the Netherlands changes data format quite often, and we can't keep up with conversions.


Scraped from RIVM
date timestamp of the record
week weeknumber of the record
cumulative_number_of_booster1_shots The reported number of people that have received the booster 1 shot.


date timestamp of the record estimated the estimated number of doses administered as reported by the RIVM reported the actual reported number of doses administered by various instances date_of_insertion_unix technical record from the coronadashboard


See vaccine_administered_total.csv. The difference is that while totals is an aggregation, these files contain the numbers per instance and might include either estimates, reported or combination of both.


year-week the iso year and week, date_start_unix is used to generate this value
date_start start of the week when the delivery should take place
date_end end of the week when the delivery should take place
date_of_insertion technical record, it is unclear what it means exactly but most likely this is the date when the record was added to the dashboard data

All other columns are names of manufacturers and show the number of vaccine doses that are expected to be delivered in that specific week.


year-week the iso year and week, date_start_unix is used to generate this value
percentage_in_favor percentage in favor of vaccination
percentage_already_vaccinated percentage of population vaccinated
date_start_unix start date of this rows values
date_end_unix end date of this rows values
date_of_insertion_unix technical record, it is unclear what it means exactly but most likely this is the date when the record was added to the dashboard data


date the cumulative numbers up till this date
Dosis indicates if the numbers are for first-dose administered or second dose administered
Vaccin indicates the vaccine, e.g. COM = BioNTech/Pfizer, MOD = Moderna

All other columns represent groups specifically targeted to be vaccinated as reported by the RIVM.



date iso datestamp when the row was published.
total_vaccinations total vaccination doses administered.


date iso datestamp when the row was published
total_vaccinations total vaccination doses administered as estimated by a mathematical model from the RIVM


date iso datestamp when the row was published.

Every column name is an organisation involved in the vaccination process as reported by the dashboard. The column names might change over time as we add or remove mappings.


date iso datestamp when the row was published

Every column name is an organisation involved in the vaccination process as reported by the mathematical model from the RIVM. The column names might change over time as we add or remove mappings.


date iso datestamp when the row was published.
expected_deliveries_within_six_weeks the number of doses that are expected to be delivered to the Netherlands within six weeks.