Future Future of the decorators Won't be introduced More HTTP exception classes to @nestjs/common - including new entries to HttpStatus enum Multi option for providers (Angular's feature) Community-made workarounds https://dev.to/micalevisk/nestjs-tip-multi-value-providers-almost-like-multi-from-angular-1c63 https://github.com/Sikora00/multi inject() function to inject dependencies (Angular's feature) Custom condition in @Catch() Community-made workarounds https://dev.to/micalevisk/nestjs-tip-fine-grained-exception-filtering-for-the-same-exception-class-5ha5 Informative You can't bundle the entire app as you can do with a FE app You can't use Test.createTestingModule() if your app is injecting the HttpAdapterHost somewhere. Use NestFactory.create instead.