
This project explores the classic MovieLens dataset, first from a networks perspective, analyzing the relationship between users and movies. Later, in the main part of the project, we built and evaluate several Recommendations Systems.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Building a recommendation system with MovieLens dataset


This project explores the classic MovieLens dataset, first from a networks perspective, analyzing the relationship between users and movies. Later, in the main part of the project, we built and evaluate several Recommendations System using different algorithms.

What you'll find in the networks section

As the MovieLens folder contains very complete datasets about both users and movies, I though it could be a good idea to go through part of our EDA treating our data as networks. Being a relatively big dataset, the networks created resulted hard to visualize, but the analysis goes anyway through several touch points that allowed us to arrive to some conclusions.

Some of the tasks done in this section include:

  • Creating the bipartite network for users and items
  • Projecting on the bottom and top nodes to find relationship between movies and users
  • Checking degree distributions for both individual networks
  • Analyzing the giant component
  • Doing some hierarchical clustering

What we found out of all this?

  • Our datasets were strongly connected. Therefore the similarity analysis and the technique used for predicting in our system were going to be very important factors to make good recommendations. At first sight the users dataset seemed to be more tightly connected than the movies dataset, being that a good insight to maybe start thinking about working based on item-item similarity.

  • Also, the hierarchical decomposition of the movies network allowed us to find some clusters, so probably working with SVM it's gonna be a good idea to find underlying latent features

What you'll find in the recommendations systems section

This part of the project goes through every step about building a recommendation system. Exploring several techniques and algorithms to accomplish that and finally evaluating one of them using different kind of metrics.

Some of the techniques used in this section are:

  • Creating a collaborative filtering model from scratch
  • Building a popularity and collaborative filtering model using Turicreate library
  • Creating a model with surprise's Singular Value Decomposition
  • Using algo susprise's Slope One and KNN model

Finally the evalutions includes some neat functions to find the top n predictions for an user with the movies detail, as well as one function to calculate the Precision and Recall out of the 𝑘 top-ranked items.

This last part also includes some theoretical explination before the code about how some of the concepts work, and also a very detailed step by step for each one of the metrics.

BONUS TRACK: Recommendations Systems tutorial guide

As a bonus track, this repository also includes a full tutorial guide with all the concepts applied in this project about Recommendations Systems.

This guide is composed of information from several sources: