
Simple data pagination with Meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

###Meteor Paginator - Meteor Smart Package

This package provides a simple mechanism to paginate your data subscriptions in Meteor.


  1. Install meteorite
  2. mrt add paginator

###How To Use

Meteor Paginator provides templates and callbacks to easily page your subscribed data, provided you follow the below conventions.

####Server Code

You'll need to expose your publication with arguments for limit and skip

Meteor.publish("myCollection", function(skip, limit) {
  return MyCollection.find({}, {
    skip: skip || 0
    , limit: limit || 10

Next, you'll need a server method that gives you a total record count for your collection.

  totalCount: function() {
    return MyCollection.find().count();

####Client Code

Wire up your subscription with Session variables for both skip and limit

Deps.autorun(function() {
  Meteor.subHandle = Meteor.subscribe("myCollection", Session.get("pagingSkip"), Session.get("pagingLimit"));

Next, in your Template where you want to page the data, instantiate the Paginator:

var _pager = new Meteor.Paginator({
  	templates: {
		content: "my_template"
	, pagination: {
    	resultsPerPage: 5 //default limit
	, callbacks: {
		onPagingCompleted: function(skip, limit) {
            Session.set("pagingSkip", skip);
            Session.set("pagingLimit", limit);
		, getDependentSubscriptionsHandles: function() {
			  return [Meteor.subHandle];
		, getTotalRecords: function(cb) {
              //you need to return the total record count here
              //using the provided callback
              Meteor.call("totalCount", function(err, result) {
		, onTemplateRendered: function() {
            //regular render code
		, onTemplateCreated: function() {
            Session.set("pagingSkip", 0);
            Session.set("pagingLimit", 5);

And ensure you're sending in the collection to the template:

 Template.my_template.person = function() {
    return MyCollection.find();

Finally, in your HTML

 <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
      {{#each person}}
 <div class="well well-small">
    {{{ paginationButtons }}}
    {{{ selectPerPage }}}

Both {{{paginationPuttons}}} and {{{selectPerPage}}} are dynamically-creatd templates included in Meteor.Paginator. The styling all comes from Twitter Bootstrap.

For multiple paginator support, please see the below

Live Example: http://multipage.meteor.com

You may want to page the same data twice, or page different data, within the same view. The below example illustrates how this works.


Kittens = new Meteor.Collection("kittens");
KittensView = new Meteor.Collection("kittensView");
Puppies = new Meteor.Collection("puppies");

if (Meteor.isClient) {

  Template.kittens_template.kitten = function() {
    return Kittens.find();

  Template.kittens_view_template.kitten = function() {
    return KittensView.find();

  Template.puppies_template.puppy = function() {
    return Puppies.find();

  function _pager(templ, num, handle) {
    var p = new Meteor.Paginator({
        templates: {
          content: templ + "_template"
        , pagination: {
            resultsPerPage: 5 //default limit
          , callbacks: {
            onPagingCompleted: function(skip, limit) {
                Session.set("pagingSkip_" + num, skip);
                Session.set("pagingLimit_" + num, limit);
                console.log("setting " + num);
            , getDependentSubscriptionsHandles: function() {
                return [handle];
            , getTotalRecords: function(cb) {
              //you need to return the total record count here
              //using the provided callback
              Meteor.call("totalCount", templ, function(err, result) {
            , onTemplateRendered: function() {
              //regular render code
            , onTemplateCreated: function() {
              Session.set("pagingSkip_" + num, 0);
              Session.set("pagingLimit_" + num, 5);

    return p;

  Template.kittens_parent.created = function() {
    Deps.autorun(function() {
      Meteor.subHandle1 = Meteor.subscribe("kittens", Session.get("pagingSkip_1"), Session.get("pagingLimit_1"));
    Meteor.Pager1 = _pager("kittens", 1, Meteor.subHandle1);

  Template.puppies_parent.created = function() {
    Deps.autorun(function() {
      Meteor.subHandle2 = Meteor.subscribe("puppies", Session.get("pagingSkip_2"), Session.get("pagingLimit_2"));
    Meteor.pager2 = _pager("puppies", 2, Meteor.subHandle2);

  Template.kittens_view_parent.created = function() {
    Deps.autorun(function() {
      Meteor.subHandle3 = Meteor.subscribe("kittens2", Session.get("pagingSkip_3"), Session.get("pagingLimit_3"));
    Meteor.pager3 = _pager("kittens_view", 3, Meteor.subHandle3);

if (Meteor.isServer) {

  Meteor.startup(function () {
    if (Kittens.find().count() === 0) {
      _.times(500, function(n) {
        Kittens.insert({ number: n, name: Random.hexString(5), toy: Random.hexString(10) })

    if (Puppies.find().count() === 0) {
      _.times(500, function(n) {
        Puppies.insert({ number: n, name: Random.hexString(7), toy: Random.hexString(10) })

  Meteor.publish("kittens", function(skip, limit) {
    return Kittens.find({}, {
      skip: skip || 0
      , limit: limit || 10

  Meteor.publish("kittens2", function(skip, limit) {

    var self = this, skip = skip || 0, limit = limit || 10;


    var _watchKittens = Kittens.find({}, {skip: skip, limit: limit}).observe({
      added: function(doc) {
        self.added("kittensView", doc._id, doc);
      , changed: function(doc) {
         console.log("changed ", init);
        self.changed("kittensView", doc._id, doc);
      , removed: function(doc) {
        self.removed("kittensView", doc._id, doc);

    self.onStop(function () {


  Meteor.publish("puppies", function(skip, limit) {
    return Puppies.find({}, {
      skip: skip || 0
      , limit: limit || 10

    totalCount: function(templ) {
      switch (templ) {
        case "kittens":
        case "kittens_view":
          console.log("total", templ);
          return Kittens.find().count();
        case "puppies":
          return Puppies.find().count();


	<div class="container-fluid">
		<div class="row-fluid">
			<div class="span6">
				{{> kittens_parent}}
			<div class="span6">
				{{> puppies_parent}}
		<div class="row-fluid">
			<div class="span6">
				{{> kittens_view_parent}}

<template name="kittens_parent">
	{{> kittens_template}}

<template name="kittens_view_parent">
	{{> kittens_view_template}}

<template name="puppies_parent">
	{{> puppies_template }}

<template name="kittens_template">
	<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
		{{#each kitten}}
	<div class="well well-small">
		{{{ paginationButtons }}}
		{{{ selectPerPage }}}

<template name="kittens_view_template">
	<h2>Kittens View</h2>
	<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
		{{#each kitten}}
	<div class="well well-small">
		{{{ paginationButtons }}}
		{{{ selectPerPage }}}

<template name="puppies_template">
	<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
		{{#each puppy}}
	<div class="well well-small">
		{{{ paginationButtons }}}
		{{{ selectPerPage }}}