
Uses publisher APIs to programmatically retrieve large amounts of scientific journal articles for text mining.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Circle CI Documentation Status DOI

Uses publisher APIs to programmatically retrieve large amounts of scientific journal articles for text mining. Primarily built for Elsevier's text mining API; support for other APIs is gradually being added.

##Installation Use pip install articledownloader.

##Usage Use the ArticleDownloader class to download articles en masse. Currently supported publishers are Elsevier and CrossRef. You'll need an API key, and please respect each publisher's terms of use.

It's usually best to add your API key to your environment variables with something like export API_KEY=xxxxx.

You can find DOIs using a CSV where the first column corresponds to search queries, and these queries will be used to find articles and retrieve their DOIs.

##Documentation You can read the documentation for this repository here.


###Downloading a single article from articledownloader.articledownloader import ArticleDownloader downloader = ArticleDownloader('your_API_key') my_file = open('my_path/something.pdf', 'r')

downloader.get_pdf_from_doi('target_doi', my_file, 'crossref')
downloader.get_pdf_from_doi('target_doi', my_file, 'elsevier')

###Using search queries to find DOIs CSV file:

search query 001,
search query 002,
search query 003,


from articledownloader.articledownloader import ArticleDownloader
downloader = ArticleDownloader('your_API_key')

#grab up to 5 articles per search
queries = downloader.load_queries_from_csv(open('path_to_csv_file', 'r'))

dois = []
for query in queries:

for i, doi in enumerate(dois):
    file = open(str(i) + '.pdf', 'w')
    downloader.get_pdf_from_doi(doi, file, 'crossref') #or 'elsevier'