
RESTful backend for Compass App for Angelhacks using django_rest_framework

Primary LanguagePython


Compass RESTful endpoints added during AngelHacks Hackathon, August 1, 2015.

Basic REST setup forked from Derek Adair's .

Compass Project Links

Main Compass project page

Website implementing this REST backend

Android client code

iOS client code


This backend implements the following models:


Some kind of excess inventory that is being sold, with a name, description, and offered price, owned by a Group.


Some offer to sell a product, by a seller (instance of User model), and how much they have available.


Registered users who can be sellers of objects.


Can be an owner of a Product.


Where the products are being sold; a sell listing can connect to it.

Running locally

django rest framework ready to rock and roll with fig+docker

docker-compose build web
docker-compose run web migrate
docker-compose up
#in another terminal
docker-compose run web syncdb