
A controller to pick saved images. 类似于UIImagePickerController,选择系统相册的照片。

Primary LanguageSwift


A controller to pick saved images.

Major features

Unselected status

Allow single selection and selected status

Allow multiple selections and selected status (not max selected count)

Allow multiple selections and max selected count status

Choose albums

How to use


// In a controller
let picker = SWImagePickerController()
picker.delegate = self // conforms to SWImagePickerControllerDelegate

Allow to select only one image

picker.allowsMultipleSelection = false // or picker.maxSelectionCount = 1

Allow to select n (the number you want) images

picker.maxSelectionCount = yourNumber // default is 5

To push by navigation controller

navigationController?.pushViewController(picker, animated: true)

To present by current controller

let nc = UINavigationController(rootViewController: picker)
present(nc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Implement SWImagePickerControllerDelegate

func imagePickerController(_ picker: SWImagePickerController, didFinishPickingImageWithInfos infos: [[String : AnyObject]]) {
	for dict in infos {
		let image = dict[SWImagePickerControllerImage] as! UIImage
		let assetLocalID = dict[SWImagePickerControllerAssetLocalIdentifier] as! String
		// Do someting with image or asset local id

// Optional
func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker: SWImagePickerController) {}