- 4
[request] Add fast GPIO for WS2812 RGB LED
#56 opened by rei-vilo - 5
- 3
[bug] matter_fan.ino: after a certain period of time, the fan device returns to Off state by itself, without having to send a command to do so.
#60 opened by lboue - 7
[request] Allow deep sleep modes
#28 opened by lboue - 4
- 3
Cannot get ezBLE.connected() == TRUE
#31 opened by Marce68 - 2
EEPROM library is missing
#35 opened by lyusupov - 10
Please Add Door Lock (0x000A)
#17 opened by ruddycanuck - 2
[request] Commission more than one device
#57 opened by metehoca - 2
[request] Sketch file for this Scrolling text matrix display from core-development
#48 opened by lboue - 2
- 1
- 3
- 4
Matter LightBulb - OnOff cluster on Endpoint 3
#55 opened by oidebrett - 2
- 3
Issue with debugging
#4 opened by rei-vilo - 1
[request] Support for PlatformIO IDE
#52 opened by LorbusChris - 16
- 3
- 15
Debuging with Arduino IDE 2.3.0 fails
#14 opened by lboue - 3
[request] AllowStatic endpoints (non-bridge)
#23 opened by lboue - 12
[Feature request] Momentary switch device example
#11 opened by lboue - 1
pulseIn measures incorrectly
#24 opened by scaletta-silabs - 2
Some constants are not defined
#27 opened by rei-vilo - 4
Please add Matter contact sensor
#16 opened by OABsoftware - 5
- 2
- 4
- 2
- 1
Nothing happening here!
#37 opened by Travelbits - 3
[Feature request] support for xG21 target(s)
#40 opened by lyusupov - 1
Excessive use of RAM by certain static objects
#36 opened by lyusupov - 2
How to reset/remove Matter commisioning
#34 opened by sammachin - 5
Arduino IDE 2.3.2. SparkFun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P no output in serial monitor
#32 opened by ihakov2 - 6
Matter over Thread
#15 opened by TomInIowa - 5
- 1
DeviceCommissioned when it isn't
#26 opened by TomInIowa - 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 2
Matter and bluetooth simultaneously
#7 opened by OABsoftware - 3
How to erase board flash memory
#9 opened by lboue - 4
Button inverted logic in BLE_Blinky example
#3 opened by rei-vilo - 1
Sleepy End Devices?
#6 opened by Brezensalzer - 1
Issue while burning the bootloaded
#5 opened by naveenneog - 1
Arduino board installation problem
#2 opened by momososo - 2