CryptoNet is a secure and simple-to-use encrypted networking framework and login system for ComputerCraft computers. Here's an example:
local cryptoNet = require("cryptoNet")
-- cryptoNet.setLoggingEnabled(false)
-- Runs when the event loop starts
function onStart()
-- Connect to the server
local socket = cryptoNet.connect("DemoServer")
-- Send an encrypted message
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Hello server!")
-- Runs every time an event occurs
function onEvent(event)
-- Received a message from the server
if event[1] == "encrypted_message" then
print("Server said: "..event[2])
-- Let CryptoNet handle messages in the background
cryptoNet.startEventLoop(onStart, onEvent)
local cryptoNet = require("cryptoNet")
-- cryptoNet.setLoggingEnabled(false)
-- Runs when the event loop starts
function onStart()
-- Start the server"DemoServer")
-- Runs every time an event occurs
function onEvent(event)
-- When a client opens a connection
if event[1] == "connection_opened" then
-- The socket used to send messages to the client
local socket = event[2]
-- Send some encypted messages back to the client
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Welcome to the server!")
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Please wait while I show off CryptoNet...")
-- Each call to onEvent is run in a different thread, so you can use
-- blocking calls like sleep() and pullEvent() without freezing the whole server
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Done!")
-- Received a message from the client
elseif event[1] == "encrypted_message" then
print("Client says: "..event[2])
-- Even works with non-CryptoNet events!
elseif event[1] == "redstone" then
print("Something redstoney happened!")
-- Let CryptoNet handle messages in the background
cryptoNet.startEventLoop(onStart, onEvent)
Here's how you use the login system:
local cryptoNet = require("cryptoNet")
-- cryptoNet.setLoggingEnabled(false)
function onStart()
-- Connect to the server
local socket = cryptoNet.connect("LoginDemoServer")
-- Log in with a username and password
cryptoNet.login(socket, "Bobby", "mypass123")
function onEvent(event)
-- Logged in successfully
if event[1] == "login" then
-- The username logged in
local username = event[2]
-- The socket that was logged in
local socket = event[3]
print("Logged in as "..username)
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Hello server!")
-- Login failed (wrong username or password)
elseif event[1] == "login_failed" then
print("Didn't manage to log in. :(")
elseif event[1] == "encrypted_message" then
print("Server said: "..event[2])
cryptoNet.startEventLoop(onStart, onEvent)
local cryptoNet = require("cryptoNet")
-- cryptoNet.setLoggingEnabled(false)
function onStart()
-- Start the server"LoginDemoServer")
function onEvent(event)
-- When a client logs in
if event[1] == "login" then
local username = event[2]
-- The socket of the client that just logged in
local socket = event[3]
-- The logged-in username is also stored in the socket
print(socket.username.." just logged in.")
-- Received a message from the client
elseif event[1] == "encrypted_message" then
local socket = event[3]
-- Check the username to see if the client is logged in
if socket.username ~= nil then
print(socket.username.." says: "..event[2])
cryptoNet.send(socket, "Sorry, I only talk to logged in users.")
cryptoNet.startEventLoop(onStart, onEvent)
-- This can just be run in the interactive Lua prompt
local cryptoNet = require("cryptoNet")
-- Start the server to add users to"LoginDemoServer")
-- Add a user with a password
cryptoNet.addUser("Bobby", "mypass123")
-- Close the server once we are done with it
CryptoNet hashes passwords before sending them across the network, and before storing them. This makes CryptoNet's login system much more secure than your average password door!
For an example of a secure password door made with CryptoNet, see the door example.
Note: While CryptoNet aims to be much more secure than standard Rednet, I am not a security expert and cannot guarantee its effectiveness. Do not use passwords used with other real life services with CryptoNet.
TL;DR Rednet has no way to prevent attackers from reading your messages, or pretending to be another user. For more information about how CryptoNet works internally and why it exists, check out How CryptoNet Works.
CryptoNet contains several third-party libraries that allow it to function. Thanks to the creators of all these libraries for making CryptoNet possible!