
A small customisable on-screen keyboard and keypad for the game Scrap Mechanic

Primary LanguageLuaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

General information

This document describes what you need to do in order to use this on-screen keyboard or keypad for Scrap Mechanic.

Including the script

In order to utilise the keyboard or keypad, you need to load the file with dofile("path/to/Script.lua"). The path on your machine might differ.

dofile("./Keyboard.lua") -- Loading the keyboard script
dofile("./Keypad.lua") -- Loading the keypad script

Creating a keyboard

A new keyboard instance needs to be created for every instance of your scripted shape. This only needs to happen on the client. In order to create a new keyboard instance, call the Keyboard.new(scriptedShape, title, onConfirmCallback, onCloseCallback) function.
The function expects the instance of the scripted shape that uses it as an argument, a title to display, and callback functions if a user confirms their input and when the GUI closes. The confirm callback function takes one argument, which is the input value of the GUI.

Creating a keypad

Analogous to the creation of a keyboard, the keypad can be instantiated by calling the Keypad.new(scriptedShape, title, onConfirmCallback, onCloseCallback) function.
It expects the instance of the scripted shape that uses it as the first, a title to display, and callback functions if a user confirms their input and when the GUI closes. The confirm callback function takes one argument, which is the input value of the GUI.

Opening the keyboard

In order to open the keyboard, the open(initialBuffer: string) method of the keyboard has to be called.
It takes an optional argument, with the initial text that it should display on the screen.

Opening the keypad

Similar to the keyboard, the open(initialNumber: number) method has to be called.
It takes an optional argument of type number as the initial number to display.


The following snippet shows a small script, that utilises the keyboard.

MyShape = class()

function MyShape:client_onCreate()
    -- Create keyboard
    self.keyboard = Keyboard.new(self, "My keyboard",
        function (bufferedText)

        function ()
            print("Keyboard closed")
    -- Create keypad
    self.keypad = Keypad.new(self, "My keypad",
        function (bufferedValue)

        function ()
            print("Keypad closed")

function MyShape:client_onInteract(character, lookingAt)
    if lookingAt then
        self.keyboard:open("My test string") -- Opens the keyboard with the inital text "My test string"
        self.keypad:open(123) -- Opens the keypad with the initial value 123