

This project aims to simplify the process of monitoring investments in shares, funds and other financial assets. It receives files in Excel format generated by the B3 (Brazilian Stock Exchange) portal and imports and processes the data contained in these files. At the end of the process, the project consults updated information on the share price value through the yFinance library and generates a consolidated report on your investment portfolio, providing a comprehensive view of current positions and asset performance.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Enter the project directory: cd InvestorTracker
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the menu.bat file available in the root folder.
  2. Using the Criar Pastas option, create the directories necessary to execute the code.
  3. Insert into the created directories ./relatorios_mensais and ./relatorio_anuais the monthly and annual reports that can be extracted in the B3 Investor Area .
  4. Select the Renomear Arquivos option to organize the included files by date.
  5. Select the Consolidar Carteira option to generate the final and consolidated report on the screen.
  • All generated files will be saved in the path ./resultados.

Future Features

  • Reading and processing annual reports to facilitate filling out the IR declaration
  • Scrap with data from Shares and FIIs for analysis using parameters pre-defined by the investor
  • Scrap with weekly update of earnings received
  • Sending emails with summary portfolio information
