
Lab Instructions:

Tips: Before you Begin

To view your code and instructions side-by-side, select the following in your VSCode toolbar:

  • View -> Editor Layout -> Two Columns
  • Select your code file in the code tree, which will open it up in a new VSCode tab.
  • Drag your assessment code files over to the second column.
  • Great work! You can now see instructions and code at the same time.

In this exercise you will practice applying CSS rules to HTML elements.


  • Define a CSS rule using an element selector.
  • Define a CSS rule using an id selector.
  • Define a CSS rule using a class selector.
  • Define a CSS rule using a descendant selector.


  • If you get stuck, apply the CSS rules one at a time and verify their behaviour is what you expect.

In this exercise you will practice applying CSS rules to HTML elements.


  • Add photo.jpg to the webpage.
  • Add your name as a heading to the webpage.
  • Add an unordered list of your five favorite music artists.
  • Add an ordered list of your top five favorite films.
  • Add a hyperlink to your Facebook profile, or,
  • Style the webpage using CSS.


  • Make sure that HTML tags are closed properly.
  • Use a different heading type for your name.
  • Remember the box model.

In this exercise, you will practice building a webpage using the Bootstrap Grid.


  • Create a two-column food menu for Little Lemon.


  • Set up the Bootstrap container.
  • Display the Little Lemon logo in the top center of the webpage using Bootstrap.
  • Display the food menu in two columns using Bootstrap Grid.


  • Make sure to add your columns to row elements.
  • Remember that Bootstrap uses a 12 column grid system.

In this exercise, you will practice adding Bootstrap components to a webpage.


  • Update the Little Lemon website to use Bootstrap Components.


  • Add a Badge component to the page to notify customers of the new falafel dish.
  • Add an Alert component to the page to notify customers that the restaurant will be closed on New Year's Day.
  • Add a Button component to the page with the text Order Online.


  • Make sure to add your columns to row elements.
  • Remember that Bootstrap uses a 12 column grid system.
  • There are plenty of examples in the Bootstrap documentation.

In this graded assessment, you will revise your biographical page to use Bootstrap.


  • Use Bootstrap to build your biographical page.


  • Add a Bootstrap Grid to the page.
  • Set up the grid so that the content will layout correctly on both mobile and desktop.
  • Configure your photo to be responsive.
  • Change the Meta profile link to use a Bootstrap button style.


  • Remember the responsive breakpoints in Bootstrap.
  • Use the correct infixes where appropriate.
  • Component modifiers are specified using suffixes.
  • Use the Browser Preview to check your progress.