
A history of ClojureBridge workshops. Issues are used to request website updates for upcoming workshops.


This is the repository of ClojureBridge workshops. Please file an issue to get started. Board members are watching this repository. If an organizer neeeds a help, add a comment to the issue.

Every workshop should have a mentor from one of current (or past) board members. Even though, you have an experience of organizing ClojureBridge in the past, you should contact to the mentor. This is because things are often updated.

When your workshop is ready to annouce at clojurebirge.org, add an announcement to your workshop issue. The announcement template is in this repository announcement-template.md. To fill out the template see: Workshop Event Listing Guide.

Based on the information provided in the issue, one of the board member will create a website. (What they do is copy&pasting markdown annotated texts to Rails admin console. Markdown rendering would be 'best effort,' not perfect, unfortunately.)

For a list of past and upcoming workshops, see Workshops.

Reading list prior to the annoucement

Workshop Event Listing Guide

Copy and paste the Announcement Template into a GitHub issue with your event title as the title. More explanation for each of the template elements is below.

Event title

For example, "ClojureBridge Edinburgh" or "ClojureBridge Workshop for Women")


Locale: For US locations, we'll just use the two-character state code. For all other locations, use a common, memorable name for your workshop's location (e.g. City, Country).

Venue: Full address. Should be able to be copied and pasted into Google Maps search and result in a pointer to the workshop venue.


A paragraph or two on the event. Include information on who can register for the workshop. (e.g. "Men may attend as a woman's guest.") For example:

If you are focusing on a particular constituency, include text like the following: "This workshop is intended to reach out to women who are new to Clojure. To register, you must identify as a woman."

In this workshop, we'll {INSERT CONTENT HERE}. We'll meet up Friday night to install all of the software you need, and then spend workshop day learning and writing code.

Total programming novices, system administrators, developers in other languages, and folks who attended our previous workshops are all welcome. We'll have 5-7 different classes separated by experience level. Each participant needs to bring his or her own computer.

When you RSVP you'll be asked a few question about your operating system, level and type of programming experience, and whether you will require childcare. Childcare and private space for nursing or pumping is available -- just let us know.

(Sometimes people ask if the Friday night installfest is mandatory, and yes, it is! It's a crucial part of the weekend, even if you’ve already gone through the instructions independently. There are a ton of moving parts when setting up a development environment, and the reason that we’re able to get through the curriculum on Saturday is that every single student has had their dev environment checked and has been awarded a sticker for their successes. There are also enough changing parts that even if you’ve been to a workshop in the past, you should attend the Installfest to get re-verified, because this stuff changes almost constantly.)

We are looking for additional volunteers, both folks who know Clojure to TA and people who are willing to help with logistics. Please sign up here: {LINK TO VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION}

If you have questions or ideas for us, the best way to get in touch is to email organizer.

Additional Info

Further details such as requirement to bring own laptop, schedule and refreshments, where to park, other transportation options, after party, etc.

Event Registration

URL of registration form or other joining instructions. We encourage organizers to use EventBrite.

Organizer details

Email address of organizer. This email should be associated with a Gravatar and will be visible on the ClojureBridge website. The Gravatar should preferably be a photo clearly showing the host's friendly face. (The email address won't show up on the website, but used as a kind of id in database. Also, it is used to send out messages to past oranizers.)

Twitter handle for organizer or event (optional)

GitHub username of organizer or ClojureBridge chapter (optional)

Sponsors (optional)

For each sponsor, include:

  • Name
  • URL (optional)
  • preferred logo (optional, prefer PNG or vector format)