SQL Server Identify new Customer base

This is a project, conteining 3 stored procedures that check the main table with refresh info about status (date) of clients and update our crm tables with data about all client base


  • Everyday customers send to us a load with clients information that our company is responsible for entering in contact and charging them. The Processing area, need to tell to my area (MIS) to refresh the base in DB so that the quantities are upgraded, as well PowerBI reports. But many times the area forget to let us know about. So I created this routine that keeps querying the customers tables;


Let's divide in parts first, creating the main table, creating the sp_main and after that the sp that will be checkin the main table;

Step 1

  • Open SSMS and connect to your SQL Server instance;
  • Run the script in the provide create-main-table.sql file in your database. Will create a table that will be consulted in future by the others sp;

Step 2

  • Execute the script in the provide script-create-main.sql file in your database. The script will create a stored procedure with SP_AUDITPROCEDURECARTEIRAMAIN object name;
  • About that SP: The script will truncate the table TB_MIS_LOG_CARGA (columns: ID_LOG, ID_CEDENTE, NM_CEDENTE, CONT_DT_CAD, FLAG_INSERT, FLAG_UPDATE, CAMPO1) and will insert information returned on databases tables that are updated by other company area (Processing) after processing the load made avaliable by the customer;
  • That stored procedure will be executed in Job Schedule (in my case execute at 7 am), create the script of that job here create-job-main.sql;

Step 3

  • Run the script in the provide script-check-content.sql file in your database. The script will create a procedure with SP_AUDITPROCEDURECARTEIRACONTENT object name;
  • About that SP: The TSQL Script will execute and return the id, name and new data of the customers. After that the cursor CURSOR_A will identify if not exists the customer on the TB_MIS_LOG_CARGA. In case of true, will execute a insert and execute another procedure @msg (in my case she performs another sp) and input the flag insert = 1. In case of the customer already exists but having a diferent date reference, will execute the update altering the flag insert to 1;
  • That stored procedure will be executed in Job Schedule (in my case runs every 15 minutes), create the script of that job here create-job-content.sql;