
SWE SS16 - Angular 2 frontend to given JBoss backend

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is the frontend implementation for my uni project in University of Applied Science Karlsruhe Bachelor Degree Business Informatics in subject 'Softwareentwicklung' in summer term 16 (SS16). We were given a WildFly backend (shop implementation) with a REST interface. The task was building a frontend with Angular 2.

Framework: Angular 2
Language: TypeScript
CSS Library: Bootstrap and Custom
Build Tool: Gulp

IDE Settings (WebStorm)

File/Settings/Languages & Frameworks/JavaScript set ECMAScript 6

STEP 1: Init & Install Frontend

Do the following command in the frontend project directory

npm install

STEP 2: Backend deployment

Load project from ILIAS and save somewhere (== backend-project-dir)

cd <backend-project-dir>
gradlew assemble
gradlew deploy

Once deployed, the server starts always with the same .war file. This step must be done only once.

STEP 3: Start Frontend and Backend

See headings below! Order is irrelevant, you just have to start both without gulp or wildfly errors.

But one more thing: When everything has started, open a new chrome tab with the following URI and accept the security info: https://localhost:8443/shop/rest

Frontend start

gulp run

Cleans build dir, starts code style formatters, builds project files, starts webserver, starts watch task

For single tasks, see gulpfile

Backend start

Before start: Edit C:\Zimmermann\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml

<response-header name="cors-origin" header-name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header-value="https://localhost"/>

to (Add port 8000 to URI):

<response-header name="cors-origin" header-name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header-value="https://localhost:8000"/>

Batch file (fancy!)

Start via batch file (in project directory)


Shutdown with Enter click (see batch instructions)

Manual start (lame..)

// H2
java -cp C:\Zimmermann\maven-repository\com\h2database\h2\1.4.191\h2-1.4.191.jar ^ org.h2.tools.Console -webAllowOthers -tcpAllowOthers
// wildfly
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file bin\standalone.ps1

Manual shutdown (lame..)

// H2
java -cp C:\Zimmermann\maven-repository\com\h2database\h2\1.4.191\h2-1.4.191.jar ^ org.h2.tools.Console -tcpShutdown tcp://localhost
// wildfly
jboss-cli -c --command=shutdown

Backend doku

Swagger (Swogger): https://localhost:8443/api-docs/#/


cd <wildfly-project-dir>
gradlew javadoc

index.html: /build/docs/javadoc/index.html

ClangFormat error fixes HOWTO

  .\node_modules\clang-format\bin\win32\clang-format -i -style="file" src\...\myfile.ts