XML2JSON: convert XML files to JSON using an XDS file to make a list of single XML elements into a JSON array where necessary.
It uses the JSON.NET library.
XML2JSON.exe input.xml input.xsd output.json
Assuming that input.xds has a complex element types of genre and book, with maxOccues > 1, that will give as a list of elements of:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
<description>An in-depth look at creating applications
with XML.</description>
"catalog": {
"book": [
"id": "bk101",
"author": "Gambardella, Matthew",
"title": "XML Developer's Guide",
"genre": [
"id": 1,
"text": "Computer"
"price": 44.95,
"publish_date": "2000-10-01",
"description": "An in-depth look at creating applications \r\n with XML."
So, while there is just one "book" element and one "genre" element, because they are included in the elements list, they are made into JSON arrays. This is helpful because Newtonsoft cannot use either XSD or JSON Schema files.