
Procedural maze generation using multiple algorithms rendered as a game using libtcod

Primary LanguagePython


Program in python which procedurally generates mazes using different algorithms, renders it with field-of-view and fog of war using libtcod and allows the user to move around to solve it.

Maze generation

The procedural maze generation is done using the following algorithms.

Randomized Kruskal's algorithm

Randomized Kruskal's is based on Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm.

Explanation: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2011/1/3/maze-generation-kruskal-s-algorithm

Kruskal (kruskal.py) is implemented using disjoint set (union-find data structure) which I have written in disjoint_set.py. The find operation uses path compression.

Randomized Prim's Algorithm

Randomized Prim's is based on Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm.

Explanation: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2011/1/10/maze-generation-prim-s-algorithm

Prim's method has been implemented in prim.py.

Binary Tree method

This method generates a very, very trivial maze with a south east bias (bias changes with implementation).

Explanation: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2011/2/1/maze-generation-binary-tree-algorithm

Binary tree method has been implemented in binarytree.py.

The different methods of maze generation along with pros and cons are given by http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/under-the-hood/ very cleanly.

One can also checkout https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm which is the first search result and http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/algrithm.htm which talks about maze generation with much detail.

Rendering maze and playing the game

Rendering maze can be done using libtcod.

To install libtcod follow


The famous Rogue like tutorial


gives a clear and detailed tutrial on how to create a rogue like from scratch.

I followed

Part 1: Graphics to install libtocd, set up game screen, print @ character and move it around.

Part 2: The object and the map to display a general map.

Part 4: Field-of-view and exploration to display the player's field-of-view and fog of war.

Other features

The game gives the user the choice of maze generation algorithm to use when creating the maze.

Displaying path upon completion: Upon reaching the end point, the game displays the path the user took by adding a new member variable visited for each tile in the map, indicating whether the player visited the tile or not.

Displaying correct solution upon exit: When the player exits or gives up the game in the middle, the correct solution is found by performing a depth first search from the start to the finish.

Other features include toggling fog of war (using check_explore variable) and displaying move count in a display panel which also renders game messages.

(following http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Complete_Roguelike_Tutorial,_using_python%2Blibtcod,_part_7).

To Run Game

Ensure libtcod is installed to run the game, if not follow the instructions in the link above to install it.

To run, simply enter $python main.py in terminal to get the game screen.