
A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift



  • Interface builder designable
  • Highly customizable and flexible
  • Easy to use
  • Sleek animations
  • Written in Swift
  • RTL language support

Apps Usig UICircularProgressRing


CocoaPods (Recommended)

  1. Install CocoaPods

  2. Add this repo to your Podfile

    target 'Example' do
    	# IMPORTANT: Make sure use_frameworks! is included at the top of the file
    	pod 'UICircularProgressRing'
  3. Run pod install

  4. Open up the .xcworkspace that CocoaPods created

  5. Done!


Important: Interface builder support with Carthage is either broken or extremely limted

To use with Carthage

  1. Make sure Carthage is installed

    brew install carthage

  2. Add this repo to your Cartfile

    github "luispadron/UICircularProgressRing"

  3. Install dependencies carthage update --platform iOS

Either Embed or Link the framework
  1. Drag the UICircularProgressRing.framework from MyProjDir/Carthage/Builds/iOS/UICircularProgressRing into the General -> Embeded Binaries section of your Xcode project.
  1. Drag the UICircularProgressRing.framework from MyProjDir/Carthage/Builds/iOS/UICircularProgressRing into the General -> Linked Frameworks and Binaries section of your Xcode project.
  2. Add a run script phase, under Build Phases -> +, put this in the code for the run script: /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
  3. Add a Copy Files Phase under Build Phases -> +, select Frameworks as destination and add UICircularProgressRing.framework, make sure Code Sign On Copy is enabled.


  1. Simply download the UICircularProgressRingView.swift, UICircularProgressRingLayer.swift and UICiruclarProgressRingDelegate.swift files from here into your project, make sure you point to your projects target


Interface Builder

Simply drag a UIView into your storyboard. Make sure to subclass UICircularProgressRingView and that the module points UICircularProgressRing.

Design your heart out



override func viewDidLoad() {
  // Create the view
  let progressRing = UICircularProgressRingView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 240, height: 240))
  // Change any of the properties you'd like
  progressRing.maxValue = 50
  progressRing.innerRingColor = UIColor.blue
  // etc ...

To set a value and animate the view

// Somewhere not in viewDidLoad (since the views have not set yet, thus cannot be animated)
// Remember to use unowned or weak self if refrencing self to avoid retain cycle
progressRing.setProgress(value: 49, animationDuration: 2.0) {
  print("Done animating!")
  // Do anything your heart desires...


Please read this before creating an issue about how to use the package:


Example project

Take a look at the example project over here

  1. Download it
  2. Open the Example.xcworkspace in Xcode
  3. Mess around and experiment!


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