
A Discord bot, written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord bot, written in Python, build and used by the W4 CTF team.


Command Describtion Example
!ping Gives a pong response !ping
!showhelp Shows the commands available !showhelp
!info @[user] Shows information about a user !info @Silverbaq
!b64encode text Base64 encodes a string !b64encode this is a string
!b64decode text Base64 decodes a string !b64decode dGhpcyBpcyBhIHN0cmluZw==
!chat text Chat with the bot !chat Hello, how are you?


Make an .env file in the root directory. It should contain the following:

  • TOKEN = The discord bot api token (as a string)
  • TWITCH_CLIENT_ID = The twitch client id (As a string)
  • CHANNEL_ID = The discord channel id, where streams going online should be promoted (as an int)