A web application that provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together.
The platform will be a catalog where business owners can register their businesses for visibility to potential customers and will also give users (customers) the ability to write reviews for the businesses.
The main objective for this week is to set up all the accounts and tools you will need to successfully complete the project.
You will also get yourself warmed up and ready for the coming weeks by completing a few coding exercises
- Car class lab
- Prime numbers lab
- Binary Search lab
Refer to the references card under Resources list for a reference of the tools and reading materials that you need
For this week, you will be required to create a design plan for your project using UML diagrams.
You will also be introduced to an important concept, Test Driven Development (TDD).
Finally, you will begin work by learning about Flask, a python framework for web development.
1. UML diagram for your project
2. python module with at least 5 test cases
3. Flask application with sign up and sign in functionality
You will continue building your project by adding CRUD endpoints for a businesses model.
Create the following endpoints for your project.
1. POST /businesses
2. GET /businesses
3. GET /businesses/<id>
4. PUT /businesses/<id>
5. DELETE /businesses/<id>
With the CRUD methods for businesses done, add the ability for customers to post reviews and see reviews.
Add search functionality to allow customers to search businesses by category.
As an extra credit, add functionality to search businesses by location.
Finally, prepare for the final presentation by documenting your project and adding test coverage information.
The final project should be deployed to Heroku
POST /businesses/<id>/reviews
GET /businesses/<id>/reviews
GET /businesses?location=<location>
GET /businesses?category=<category>
Integrate Circle CI or Travis
Add test coverage and build status badges
Deploy to Heroku
You have made it!
You will now present your project to your colleagues and facilitators.
You should be able to answer any questions posed justifying your design choices.