
An api for handling games of five in a row

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is an API for handling games of tic-tac-five. Normal tic-tac-toe, but with 5 in a row and a much larger board! A frontend which uses the api can be found here.

The Game model

The games are stored in the database with the Game model. A game contains a board of 21*21 squares, and starts with an X in the center. Every game contains these data fields:

  • _id: The ID of the game.
  • name: The name of the game (Chosen when the game was created).
  • boardState: The state of the board. An array consisting of 21*21 values which can be "O", "X" or "-" (nothing).
  • nextToMove: Can be either "O", "X". null if the game is over.
  • history: The games history (all moves played) as a list of elements of the form [xPos, yPos, player]. xPos and yPos are values between 0 and 20, while player can be either "O" or "X".
  • winner: "O" or "X" if the game is over, else null.
  • winningLine: An array of the 5 squares included in the winning line. If the game is not won, it will be null.
  • timeStarted: The time the game was created.
  • lastMoveMade: The time recorded last time the game state was updated.


To interact with the game, these endpoints should be used

get /api/active_games

Returns a list of all games which are not finished. The games returned will have all information except the history.

post /api/games

Requires the parameter name. Creates a game and returns it to the user.

get /api/games/:game_id

Returns all information about the game with the given game_id. Returns 404 if the game does not exist.

post /api/games/:game_id/move

Requires the parameters xPos, yPos and player. xPos and yPos should be integers between 0 and 20 (including both 0 and 20). player should be either "O" or "X". The API will return the next state of the game and will contain a field "error" if the move is illegal.

How to setup the project

For the project to run you need to have a local mongoDB database running. On a mac, this can be done by following the steps here.

You can then clone this repository to your machine and run:

npm install

Before running

npm start

How to run tests

To run the tests, make sure a local mongoDB database is running and run the command npm test. The test are written with jest and supertest.