
Goal: Upload a solution to a database query problem.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Holds sample solutions to SQL query exercises. Solutions are written in PostgreSQL and Python.

Task 1

Write a query that calculates the difference between the highest salaries found in the marketing and engineering departments. Output just the difference in salaries.

db_employee db_dept
id - int id - int
first_name - varchar department - varchar
last_name - varchar
salary - int
department_id - int

Task 2

We have a table with employees and their salaries, however, some of the records are old and contain outdated salary information. Find the current salary of each employee assuming that salaries increase each year. Output their id, first name, last name, department ID, and current salary. Order your list by employee ID in ascending order.

id - int64
first_name - object
last_name - object
salary - int64
department_id - int64

Task 3

Find the average number of bathrooms and bedrooms for each city’s property types. Output the result along with the city name and the property type.

id - int64
price - float64
property_type - object
bathrooms - int64
city - object
bedrooms - int64

Task 4

Find the details of each customer regardless of whether the customer made an order. Output the customer's first name, last name, and the city along with the order details. You may have duplicate rows in your results due to a customer ordering several of the same items. Sort records based on the customer's first name and the order details in ascending order.

customers orders
id - int64 id - int64
first_name - object cust_id - int64
last_name - object order_date - datetime64[ns]
city - object order_details - object
address - object total_order_cost - int64
phone_number - object

Task 5

Facebook has developed a new programing language called Hack. To measure the popularity of Hack they ran a survey with their employees. The survey included data on previous programing familiarity as well as the number of years of experience, age, gender and most importantly satisfaction with Hack. Due to an error location data was not collected, but your supervisor demands a report showing average popularity of Hack by office location. Luckily the user IDs of employees completing the surveys were stored. Based on the above, find the average popularity of the Hack per office location. Output the location along with the average popularity.

facebook_employees facebook_hack_survey
id - int64 employee_id - int64
location - object age - int64
age - int64 gender - object
gender - object popularity - int64
is_senior - bool

Task 6

Compare each employee's salary with the average salary of the corresponding department. Output the department, first name, and salary of employees along with the average salary of that department.

id - int64
first_name - object
last_name - object
age - int64
sex - object
employee_title - object
department - object
salary - int64
target - int64
bonus - int64
email - object
city - object
address - object
manager_id - int64

Task 7

Find the total cost of each customer's orders. Output customer's id, first name, and the total order cost. Order records by customer's first name alphabetically.

Task 8

Write a query to find which gender gives a higher average review score when writing reviews as guests. Use the from_type column to identify guest reviews. Output the gender and their average review score.


airbnb_reviews airbnb_guests
from_user - int guest_id - int
from_user - int nationality - varchar
to_user - int gender - varchar
from_type - varchar age - int
to_type - varchar
review_score - int

Task 9

Find all posts which were reacted to with a heart.


facebook_reactions facebook_posts
poster - int post_id - int
friend - int poster - int
reaction - varchar post_text - varchar
date_day - int post_keywords - varchar
post_id - int post_date - datetime

Task 10

Find the average number of beds in each neighborhood that has at least 3 beds in total. Output results along with the neighborhood name and sort the results based on the number of average beds in descending order.


id - int
price - float
bed_type - varchar
host_identity_verified - varchar
host_response_rate - varchar
host_since - datetime
neighbourhood - varchar
number_of_reviews - int
review_scores_rating - float
zipcode - int
bedrooms - int
beds - int

Task 11

Find the last time each bike was in use. Output both the bike number and the date-timestamp of the bike's last use (i.e., the date-time the bike was returned). Order the results by bikes that were most recently used.


duration - varchar
duration_seconds - int
start_time - datetime
start_station - varchar
start_terminal - int
end_time - datetime
end_station - varchar
end_terminal - int
bike_number - varchar
rider_type - varchar
id - int

Task 12

Return the total number of comments received for each user in the last 30 days. Don't output users who haven't received any comment in the defined time period. Assume today is 2020-02-10.


user_id - int
created_at - datetime
number_of_comments - int

Task 13

Find all wineries which produce wines by possessing aromas of plum, cherry, rose, or hazelnut. Output unique winery values only.


id - int
country - varchar
description - varchar
designation - varchar
points - int
price - float
province - varchar
region_1 - varchar
region_2 - varchar
variety - varchar
winery - varchar

Task 14

Find the base pay for Police Captains. Output the employee name along with the corresponding base pay.

id - int
employeename - varchar
jobtitle - varchar
basepay - float
overtimepay - float
otherpay - float
benefits - float
totalpay - float
totalpaybenefits - float

Task 15

What is the overall friend acceptance rate by date? Your output should have the rate of acceptances by the date the request was sent. Order by the earliest date to latest.

Assume that each friend request starts by a user sending (i.e., user_id_sender) a friend request to another user (i.e., user_id_receiver) that's logged in the table with action = 'sent'. If the request is accepted, the table logs action = 'accepted'. If the request is not accepted, no record of action = 'accepted' is logged.

user_id_sender - varchar
user_id_receiver - varchar
date - datetime
action - varchar

Task 16

Find the total number of downloads for paying and non-paying users by date. Include only records where non-paying customers have more downloads than paying customers. The output should be sorted by earliest date first and contain 3 columns date, non-paying downloads, paying downloads.

ms_user_dimension ms_acc_dimension ms_download_facts
user_id - int acc_id - int date - datetime
acc_id - int paying_customer - varchar user_id - int
downloads - int

Task 17

Find the most profitable company from the financial sector. Output the result along with the continent.

company - varchar
sector - varchar
industry - varchar
continent - varchar
country - varchar
marketvalue - float
sales - float
profits - float
assets - float
rank - int
forbeswebpage - varchar

Task 18

Create a simple SELECT query to display student information of all ACTIVE students.

Id - int
FirstName - varchar
LastName - varchar
IsActive - boolean

Note: IsActive (true or false)

Task 19

Return all columns from the people table, and join to the toys table so that you can return the COUNT of the toys.

people table schema


toys table schema


Task 20

Table: World

name - varchar
continent - varchar
area - int
population - int
gdp - int

name is the primary key column for this table. Each row of this table gives information about the name of a country, the continent to which it belongs, its area, the population, and its GDP value.

A country is big if:

it has an area of at least three million (i.e., 3000000 km2), or
it has a population of at least twenty-five million (i.e., 25000000).

Write an SQL query to report the name, population, and area of the big countries.

Task 21

product_id - int
low_fats - enum
recyclable - enum

product_id is the primary key for this table. low_fats is an ENUM of type ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is low fat and 'N' means it is not. recyclable is an ENUM of types ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is recyclable and 'N' means it is not.

Write an SQL query to find the ids of products that are both low fat and recyclable.

Task 22

id - int
name - varchar
referee_id - int

id is the primary key column for this table. Each row of this table indicates the id of a customer, their name, and the id of the customer who referred them.

Write an SQL query to report the IDs of the customer that are not referred by the customer with id = 2.

Task 23

Find the titles of workers that earn the highest salary. Output the highest-paid title or multiple titles that share the highest salary.

worker title
worker_id - int worker_ref_id - int
first_name - varchar worker_title - varchar
last_name - varchar affected_from - datetime
salary - int
joining_date - datetime
department - varchar

Task 24

Find order details made by Jill and Eva. Consider the Jill and Eva as first names of customers. Output the order date, details and cost along with the first name. Order records based on the customer id in ascending order.

customers orders
id - int id - int
first_name - varchar cust_id - int
last_name - varchar order_date - datetime
city - varchar order_details - varchar
address - varchar total_order_cost - int
phone_number - varchar